
R.I.P. Alexander McQueen

Like everyone else involved in the fashion world, I am shocked and saddened by the tragic news of Alexander McQueen's death, and am still trying to take it in. He was always one of my favourite designers, and the only reason I didn't post about him more was because I'm dependent on what people are wearing on the street. On the randomness of chance.

And yet: I saw this girl on Tuesday, just as the light was going, and asked only who made her coat. Alexander McQueen, she said. There was something quite profound, and sad somehow, about the moment. The irony is, I had planned to post this shot today. All I know is her name is Tokki, but not how to reach her.

Something made me look up, and see such a heartbreaking beautiful sky. I took this shot, and, in the darkening twilight, made my way home.

Rest in Peace, Alexander. The world has lost an incredible visionary, way too soon.


  1. Beautiful photo of the city/sky. Can't believe Alexander McQueen is gone. R.I.P.

  2. RIP Alexander McQueen. Such a talented designer..what a shame.


  3. what a beautiful post. I am shocked...

  4. I woke up and checked my google reader and I saw your post. RIP to a very talented and genius person.

  5. this is so poetically beautiful - though sad - it's important for all of us to remember the countless treasures of beauties he left for us!!!

    I am sharing this post on UnoCosa's Facebook!!!


  6. Amen to that. A reminder that death can be so unexpected.

    Beatiful post. Entirely appropriate. xx

  7. This post gave me goosebumps.

    In October I was in Milan and saw the most beautiful baroque/gothic red dress in the window of the McQueen store. I was standing in the middle of the road because I was so struck with it and literally stopped the traffic. Just a few months ago. :(

  8. oh dot, this is such a lovely, melancholy and haunting tribute to alexander mcqueen. he was only 40 or 41!! we never can really know what's behind the persona- he appeared to have so many things going for him, and then in the end...it wasn't enough. so sad.

    the girl is beautiful- sometimes logos on clothes or accessories do work (you know i'm not a big fan of screaming labels, like the LV bags and such.) somehow, Tokki gets it right on the mark- like magic.

  9. I am devastated. To me, this is a reminder, not so much that death can be unexpected, but that people are quite fragile and in many cases, more fragile than anyone might guess or know. And that fragility can, without intervention, lead people to think the worst thing ever -- that his or her life has no further value or that he or she no longer has the mettle needed to cope with life or the ability to see hope in life instead of seeing life as a daily assult from which one has to escape. If anything, this is a reminder that I need to be more aware of fragile and temporal nature of life and that I cannot take my wellbeing and that of others whom I love for granted.

  10. Beautiful tribute Jill, I too am deeply saddened. It is strange how the world works sometimes as with your post. I have a long black millitary McQueen coat that I hadnt worn since my grandmothers funeral. This week I got it out and as I decided it was time to shake off the sad memories. I will treasure it even more now. But isn't the synchronicity strange.

  11. I totally agree, it is a great loss for the fashion world..

  12. Has it been confirmed by a credible source that it was suicide? The BBC is still saying it has not been confirmed. xx

  13. I readed about today on BBC news, I am shocked too,definitelly the beautiful coat is McQueen style,unique.
    *****Rest in Peace Alexander McQueen*****

  14. I was completely shocked too. He was my favorite designer. Whenever I looked in magazines and picked out my favorite dresses on stars, I always found that they were by him. Am very sad and feel tremendously for what he must have been privately going through...

  15. ah crap. you've made me weepy. beeyouteeful jacket, and a sad day. McQueen was such a powerhouse of design and an indelible character. He will be sorely missed.

  16. Fantastic photographs. Lovely girl too. I'm also shocked at his suicide, as I'm sure everyone else is. It is a tragic loss.

    R.I.P. Alexander McQueen.


  17. That is such a strange coincidence; and it's funny in a way, because out of everything that Tokki is wearing, it is the coat that I was going to comment about - it is absolutely stunning.

    I am still shocked by the news of McQueen's death. He was an absolute genius; the fashion world is left with a large, gaping hole now that he is gone. What a tragic way to start off New York Fashion Week. RIP. :(

  18. Yes, it is horrible. Sometimes I worry about this world which can't keep the best of it. Why bad things happen?


  19. RIP ... a talented life cut so short...

    and love those 2 pictures. gorgeous.

    btw please take a couple secs to check out my blog... it's new and it would be much appreciated!


  20. pretty girl althought quite "branded"....
