
running to the loo

One thing about London Fashion Week that everyone was bitching about - perhaps the only thing - is that at Somerset House, the nearest loo is outside and down these long stone steps. In the constant wet cold weather, in heels... I can't believe no one died. Especially since most of us were texting while we were navigating them.

But the nice thing is, because the steps are so narrow, and this being England and all, there was a lot of polite smiling & excuses me's - it's a nice way to meet new people.

Shot these in rapid succession - under a minute, I"m guessing - while running to the loo. The shoes first...

...then this guy, above, then the red haired model. As I ran past him I asked if I could shoot him. 'I am Thibault,' he said in total monotone. 'I am French.'

Yes you are, Thibault*. Very French indeed.

(Pronounced TEE-bow. Our wonderful French neighbour across the mews has the same first name.)


  1. LOL, what a sweet story :))
    have a fab weekend, xoxo

  2. Oh wow Teebow, I can almost imagine how he said it, that pic of him really draws his character!

    I'd love love love to meet, does the Hummingbird Bakery do cafe/sit-in? Just that I've never ever been and everyone's saying how wonderful that place is! I'm free almost any day of the week so let me know when you're free!

    Owh yes, I've linked you in my blogroll, thank you for your link!! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend <3
