
self portrait: gulf stream

This year, one of the delightful surprises of LFW was that my favourite Lavazza truck had upgraded to vintage silver Gulf Stream! Same excellent coffee & friendly crew, but also amazing crepes. My favourite was thinly sliced chorizo, cheddar, onion jam, cherry tomatoes, and rocket. Heaven.

I'm wearing: old kitten heel pale pink & turquoise suede pumps from Blue Velvet, 'vintage' (i.e., ancient) DKNY pale pink tights from my NY days, and a very old, totally ripped cream cotton Adrienne Vittandini jumper that must have been an ex boyfriend's, but I haven't a clue which one. All we know is, it's not Mr. Dot's. He couldn't believe I wore it to fashion week. It's so Rodarte.

Some people even wanted to shoot me in it. One guy said I looked 'glamourous, but unravelling at the edges'. I laughed & said that pretty much sums me up.


  1. that is incredible that one old jumper could translate that much of your personality to an utter stranger, 'glamorous but unravelling at the edges' is to utterly you. seriously love it. xx

  2. ; )

    Wait til you see the jumper: it's wonderful. It was literally falling apart & for some reason I was wearing it all the time (& home) & my mom's winter home in Florida & it drove & Mr. Dot crazy. They really hated it.

    So jst as it was about to fall apart all together, I sat up late a few nights before LFW and carefully stitched the holes & unravelling parts - kind of like using clear nail polish to stop tights from running further. I'll show you it sometime: it's got a real personality.

    Hope you're having a great weekend! xox

  3. I like the shoes very much!

  4. Creative photo. I like it. I cannot believe you risked those shoes in that moody London weather.

  5. those shoes are amazing. so beautiful.
    really feeling shoes that make your feet look really long and narrow at the moment, most likely because i can't fit my feet into such shoes and have to look on with envy and admiration at those who can.

  6. love your blog, the style you show are really interesting, there are so many blogs w/ loosy outfits. I like your choices.

    @ http://picturesupdated.blogspot.com
