
fashion forward: looking back on the old new black

Came across this shot from last September, when I was looking for something else. Granted, all I'm wearing at the moment is white, nude, pale pink, baby blue, beige beige beige & a little grey, but damn, if this look doesn't hold up. It helps that she's gorgeous, of course, but still... bare legs and LBBs (Little Black Booties) were huge on the catwalk for A/W 2010.

Way back last September, black was still the new black. It had held that title since the previous spring/summer, when we were expecting nudes nudes nudes, but, due to inclement weather and pale English skin, all we were seeing on the fashionistas was black.

I wonder: come next September, what do you think will be the new black? At the moment, nude is still the new black for me. What is the new black for you?


  1. this looks like a london look, so massive thumbs up from me! boots are incredible.

  2. wow, that hair...

    RE: thanks for being a follower & for adding my new url to your list :) fortunately, my comments are back!

    have a lovely week, xoxo

  3. Black is always the new black for me! I just never get tired of head to toe black. Although I am embracing some lighter colours for summer - just with black ;-)
    ps. I am having a vintage dress giveaway on my blog x

  4. I agree, black will always be the new black. I used to wear little else when I was blonde, now a plum hair colour I find I avoid top to toe now. This looking beautiful though, classy x

  5. Ha, Pearl, you kill me: 'I'm embracing lighter colours... with BLACK!!' ; D

    Susan, of course. I don't know why I hadn't been following you sooner, apologies. I'm glad to hear your comments are back, for some reason that really upset me!

    And Danniekate: your blog is brilliant. Anyone that's reading this, run don't walk to: http://coutureandcrumpets.blogspot.com this girl can write!! One of my best friends from college, btw, is Dani & their daughter is Kate.

  6. black is amazing :)
    as for me black will always be the new black

  7. For me the new black was always bright colours (usually pink or cobalt blue), I am now just discovering black and realising why black is really always the new black.
    I love it when you can dig out 6 month old photos- and they look fresh and classic at the same time, all over again. Brilliant post as usual.

  8. yes must agree... there is never a new black in my book. but, i am in the mood for tan coloured khakis and light pinks. and may i just say those boots are perfection. (haha... chandler in the atm vestibule with jill goodacher... 'gum would be perfection') xx

  9. I remember the black craze, I don't think I fell for it though. My mother always used to tell me, when you're young, wear allll the colours you want, you'll get sick and tired of black once you do get a job and they MAKE you wear black. Well then again she worked in some highprofile Korean company. I doubt that'll ever be my kind of workplace ;)

    White should be the new black! Love that irony.

  10. Black is always the new Black. Nothing can ever really replace black as the new black but black.

  11. I always like how some girls look great in total black or shades of grey/black. I however didn’t ever manage myself. On me it seems looking boring and kind of dramatic. Every time I want to look that stylish black, I find it sad to miss colors. So, I put on often bright colors on me and preferably non-monochrome.
    Next black, in my opinion, should be again violet as few years ago. I just love it, but it looks kind of cheap when it is not a trend.

  12. Black cars, black cards all black everything.
    Black all the way.
    Thanks for bringing that up.

  13. Cute gnome! I love her Balenciaga booties

  14. Black is black, but black is smart

  15. Love those boots - they are fashion holy grail whether they are the Balenciaga's or the Sam Edelmans - either way I want them!

    Style Remains

  16. Fantastic shoes and bag....

