
hedvig, in lavender light

It was the last day of fashion week in London and I'd just had the most magic day, in the rain. Shini and Jen have each posted about it. Jen had just got her pass - finally, at the end, she realised she was eligible all along - and was going to her first show (which she's just posted beautifully on) and I said goodbye to all these lovely new friends. The rain had stopped, and the light inside Somerset House - the open square - was this amazing lavender.

And like magic, that's when I met my new friend, Hedvig.

We immediately launched into a conversation that has continued ever since. Hedvig is from Norway, has lived here a few years, has worked in the City, in finance, and just walked away from all of that and suddenly, unexpectedly, a modeling career is taking off. I asked if she minded if I tell you all she's 30, and she said of course not: she has spoken with women who felt they were too old to switch careers, at 25, 26, and she feels if it will help someone, why not?

It was getting dark and we each had to go, but we've just met again, at our first Covent Garden Cupcake Convention. I'll be posting on that, too. Soon. But in the meantime, you might have seen some of it on Jen's.

I am so drawn to lavender right now. Spring has finally come to London, the daffodils are up, and all I want is to wear clothes that are pale, pastel, sunny, metallic, shiny, and absorbing, or reflecting, light.


  1. Gosh she is beautiful.

    I promise I shall e-mail you soon
    *hangs head in shame*


  2. OMG I love her shoes and hood. :)


  3. love this jill. the light is incredible! how cool that the walls are lavender! such a cool backdrop. hedvig is seriously fab and such great advice about being able to switch things up at any age. very encouraging to remember that you don't have to be stuck in the current situation if you don't want to be. always important to know and believe.

    lovely photos! xx

  4. The photos are perfection, the lavender colour against her dark outfit looks outstandingly beautiful. I't so inspiring to hear about people that took the risk and changed careers, it gives hope :)

  5. I loooove her bag (isn't it an A- wang bag???)

  6. She looks like she has been modeling forever, she just has that look! The purple light is beautiful. I am going to try my best to make fashion week next season xx

  7. she looks so good for 30! i can't think of anyone else who could pull off that hood...sounds so wrong but looks so right! love the tights too

  8. She has a mysterious, slightly dark beauty which is very appealing. She is really lovely, and seems to be a nice person, too.
    Lavender- I loved it as a little girl, but it's not such a good color on me...I don't think. You, however, could wear the color beautifully!

  9. Very nice post Jill! She found her way, I mean her pose is so model stylish and not who worked in the city before :-)

  10. What beautiful contrast. She is lovely :)

  11. i'm glad she says her age. she's a beauty. her eyes are so lovely!

  12. She is amazing. And I think it's great that she starts out new and as model! Wow. I hope we'll see lots of her. There is a serious lack of women as models out there. I'm 32 and I definitely can't relate to a 16 year old girl without female shapes.

    The pictures are great and the violet walls are terrific. Have a nice new week.

  13. Love the head scarf. Where is this? London?

  14. My favourite part of fashion week is bumping into so many inspiring people. She sounds like a doll
