
hot guy sets own hand on fire while waiting for catwalk show to start

Shot before Welsh Designers Collective, Sunday, (Day Three), London Fashion Week 1/w/ 2010. Don't try this trick at home, kids.


  1. I'm not quite sure what he's doing there but I am REALLY wondering WTH is going on with the person next to him??? It looks like she has a stuffed toy for a head, and has wrapped a fanny pack around it... Do you have any more photos of her? What IS that????

  2. hahaha.. 1st, Jen, I don't think it's Colin Farrell... I thought so too, but I don't think so.. and Amy, I know! will find a shot for you.. I have no idea what was going on, frankly!

  3. LOL!!
    Funniest post ever! Love this. I was wondering about the girl next to him, too, with the weird head gear. Hmm.
    And...yes, at first glance, I thought it was Colin Farrell, but this guy looks younger. But just as hot. And maybe more so, judging from the little flame trick. ;)

  4. OK, I don't know what's going on w/ my comment...trying again:

    Funniest post ever! I was wondering about the girl next to him, too, with the head gear. Hmm.
    I thought it was Colin Farrell, too, but this guy looks younger. And even hotter, judging from the little fire trick he's pulling. ;)

  5. That guy is hot! haha :)
    You met Olivia? So lucky!

    Ps. I have no stockings on lol.


  6. Very Farrelly...we can just pretend!
    Thanks very much for the shots you emailed through, I will return the favour!

    By the way, there is a blog award waiting pour vous on my page...

  7. jill, i really think that is colin farrell... it has to be! but... i guess you would have thought there would be a mob around him... yes, am also confused b the bag head lady next to him. xx

  8. LOL- that's fabulous!

  9. No idea what he's up to, but love the silly hat. Good bowler on the girl behind him as well.

  10. When I first saw him, I thought he was Jake Gyllenhaal. But I think it's just an anonymous guy looking like Colin Farrel.

  11. I can see a bit Jake.. I was thinking Colin Farrell, at first, but no one was making a fuss about him.. maybe that's why he set fire to his hand. Some celebrities will do anything to get attention.

  12. wooo im in that picture too!!! :) sry that just made my day...
    ha when that guy came in an sat down right in front of me i was like aaaaah hes hot!

  13. You are?? Are you the Girl With the Bowler Hat? How funny! How did you find this, just by chance?

  14. yeah found it just by chance. funny :)
    i havent been looking at your blog for a few days so when i woke up two hours early this morning i went through all the new posts and at first i didnt even see me. i was like oh this guy is hot...what show was that? haha and then i saw it was welsh collective and looked again and then i saw myself and that was probably what actually woke me up today ;)
    (ok too much information...)
    and i really like your blog by the way!

  15. haha eveline, that's great! (not too much information for me: have you seen the length of some of my comments?)

    i've had that, where i'd be looking at a post or photos & realise i was in it... once time i got jealous for a moment when i saw a pile of photos on my (then) boyfriend's bed, of him with a pretty girl (dressed) - only to realise, she was me! i was her! i was jealous of myself ; )

    thank you btw! hope to hear from you again sometime. x
