
look sharp: hardware and soft wear

Spotted and Dotted at Liberty: Georgie, fashion editor/stylist for Tank Magazine, wearing a scary jacket by Richard Nichol* for Topshop. Note her nail varnish: it seems that suddenly everyone is wearing pale turquoise this week. My shade feels too dark: I prefer this colour, it's more Tiffany blue, eggshell blue, than jade, don't you think? Whatever it is, I love it.

What do we think of Richard Nichol, by the way? If you click here, for his A/W 2010 show.. I think he's got some clever, fun things going on here, but I'm not quite sure he's found his voice yet. I loved his bustiers in nude for Topshop ('ashes to ashes') but in the collection, he's got Christopher Kane's giant gingham check, a lot of masculine whimsical references.. I think it's a bit 'watch this space'. Actually, I take it back: I do love a lot of it.

(*It's not Richard Nichol!! I am mistaken: it's ASHISH, perhaps my all time favourite designer!)

Niamh, Georgie's friend and colleague, in such a gorgeous, soft, buttery mustard leather jacket (no clue whose), perfect with a grey tee. Those are her shoes, below: such a fun mix of hardwear and soft wear (haha! Just coined a new phrase! You saw it here first, girls: April 1st. If anyone wants to use it, just ask: I'll let you, for a small fee).

Has anyone seen The Devil Wears Prada? Okay, stupid question. Has anyone NOT seen it? How about The September Issue? I ask because, I'm just wondering if it's a NY/LON thing, or if people in the fashion industry are really really nice in other cities, too. So far, I've only known the loveliest, most generous spirited, non competitive people: mostly women. I mean, these beautiful three, who are all so chic - who understand and work the trends with such confidence - but who are also really warm, friendly.. well, girl's girls.

Left to right: Niamh Brennan-Bernatt, Leo Beamish, and Georgie Maccintyre, all @ Tank.


  1. Leo has the most amazing hair!!
    R xo

    It's Cohen

  2. I've seen both movies. I think I've watched Devil Wears Prada a gazillion times already. Hahaha!

    I love that jacket... so edgy!

    Have a great day Jill! xoxo

  3. That is an amazing jacket, it takes a certain girl to pull of studs like that! I love the mustard-grey combinatino as well, it works so well.


  4. The pale turquoise polish is yummy. Can you source it, J? I'd love to know. I have a true turquoise polish, very bright- gorgeous but I'd like a paler shade, too. (Is it weird to collect nail polishes? LOL)

    Again, sorry 'bout the Skype thing...I emailed you explaining what the hell happened. The week's been really crazy (not to mention I have a solo show on Saturday), and no let-up til Sunday, Monday..!

    So back to the polish- I want!!! :)

  5. I love the studded biker jacket!

  6. They all look fantastic, I really love the spike jacket!
    There is a new egg shell going to be released by Chanel called Nouvelle Vague, I havent had chance to post the pic yet as Ive been getting everyone to vote for me in the TK Maxx challenge, but I will put it up right after, I think you will love it!

  7. I bought a Barry M nail varnish in the pale turquoise which is ok, but recently bought a Revlon one called 'Minted' which is much better (bit paler). And cheaper than Chanel!

    Liking the the tube skirts that Niamh and Georgie are wearing...



  8. I am already on the waiting list for the chanel polish Pearl mentioned so will hopefully be rocking this colour soon x

  9. Hello Jill-
    The first picture is my favorite! Her jacket is 2d4.
    Hope you having a great day,

  10. in nature, that which is soft and tender is often protected by fierce spikes. i think being close to someone so charming would be worth the risk of injury.

  11. wow, charles: well put! brilliant, actually.

    you too, nini! ; )

    alexis: isn't it funny, i've always loved that colour (and all shades into a more green, very pale 'mint' - like oxidized copper) and if revlon have it, that's easier for me to get than barry m: even my supermarket will carry it!

    curious, pearl, fab in your forties.. how exactly does one get on a waiting list for nail polish? i can't quite wrap my head around that one!

  12. I'll remember that 'hardwear as softwear phrase..' ;) And great looks here, I especially like the photo of all three standing together!
    Funnily enough, I was asking people on my latest blog post if they had seen the september issue, because I watched it for the first time this week! And I also wondered about the contrast between American and English fashion,and the attitudes people have. Oh, and Grace Coddington is now my icon! Not only is she a true artist who plans and styles the most beautiful shoots, she's also not afraid to say what she feels.


  13. Hi, this is my first post. Thanks for your blog!
    I love the nail polish too. Inspired by your picture I found the shade I liked. I bought Blissfully Blue by Finger Paints. It is eggshell blue rather than mint. It is so summer-y!

  14. Looks like more than hardware than software but firs glimpse can be wrong
