
are you competitive?

FINALLY got in the pool (indoors), after a great yoga class. I do my best thinking in the water, and this is what came to me:
Now that I've started (properly) my new facebook Polka Dot club, what we need is a competition. And then it hit me: May Day is coming up!

We need a Polka Dot May Day Queen of the Maypole. Or rather, a Princess. A Polka Dot Princess of the May Pole.

Here's how it would work:

1: Go to facebook and join you've been dotted.

2. In photos > fans photos > upload a photo of yourself, if you're not averse to a bit of competition, or a friend or family member you feel is stylish. (remember: this is NOT a beauty contest: this is about style. And if you don't know the difference by now, what are you doing even reading this blog?)

3. Tag yourself (if it's you) or your friend. In the label, please identify them - first name is fine. Long as we can find them. If you want to source the clothes, that's great, but optional.

3. Vote for anyone you like in any of the photos, by 'liking' them. You can vote more than once, you can vote for everyone, but alas facebook won't let you vote more than once. So spread the word for your favourite candidate.

I guess it's not a competition without a prize. The winner - which will be chosen on Sunday - will get a genuine Polka Dot photo shoot if you're in London, with an interview: I'll do a Polka Dot Maypole Princess Post. If you can't get into London, we'll do it as a phone in (or online) interview and you can send the shots. Either way you'll also get a link to your blog (if you blog) on the side. I'm also toying with the idea of other little prizes, like a custom made limited edition Polka Dot special blend nail polish (yeah, I've got a little chemistry lab going on here) but I'm also to other suggestions.

Which leads me back to the original topic: are you competitive? There is so much I want to say on the subject - I'm fascinated with our (female) collective love/hate relationship with competition (especially, with the element of competition that sometimes underlies our friendships) - but I've got to skeedattle over to the V&A to meet my lovely friend Natalya, of 'treasures of a laydbug', who I actually met near home last fall, simply by dotting her!

Even if this isn't your thing, please spread the word. How pathetic a loser would I look if I made all this hoo-hah and nobody played. Smile: You've Been Dotted.

(p.s. you might recognise: this is Georgie and Estelle, from our photo shoot last October, wearing clothes by the stylist/student who organised this: dresses by someone or other, and furs from both her grandmothers).


  1. Gosh, I didn't know that there is a prize. hahaha! I want to be dotted so I have to win. Please vote for me!!!

  2. oh this is such a good idea! i am entering... although, some could argue enough photos of me have debuted on your blog - maybe someone else should have a go! haha. but to show my support i am going to enter anyway! xx

  3. Great idea. Let the fashion fight commence!

  4. I'm not going to enter but damn what a fab idea x

  5. Have just entered a few, if that is okay! Couldn't decide which to put up!
    Also, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, that would be wonderful!

  6. Grrrr...wish I had time to do this! Deep in the throws of packing and selling stuff. Perhaps next time. Only I've already been dotted once. Can one be re-dotted? Would that be fair?

    I'm not normally competitive but this contest is worth it. I can't wait to see the outcome!

    You are too cool, doing custom nail polishes. I just love all that you do for the blogosphere, Jill! xo

  7. Actually Stephanie I have an idea... as far as I know, there is no rule that 'friends or family of judges can't enter their friends or family..' because I'm not a judge! You, the blogging public, are the judge.

    Therefore,, I can submit a shot or two of you. Actually.... you and -h did your post of the Boca lunch but I never properly did. I can post that, and submit one of yours.. with your permission I hope.

    Daisychain: I hope you do enter. You've got such lovely style.

    Thanks for the support, I didn't know if this was a naff idea. And please remember everyone you can vote for more than one person.. you can vote for everyone! I just don't think it let's you 'like' something more than once. So this is pretty democratic actually.

    Leah: I love that you entered before you knew there was a contest, let alone a prize. That's true style in my book!!

    Big kiss everyone. xox

  8. i LOVE THE IDEA!!! I just voted now:) Some great looks! Had a lovely afternoon as usual:)

  9. Great shots! I love their outfits!

  10. I submitted a photograph the other day. What a lovely idea! I've been reading this blog for months, but realized that I haven't actually left any comments. My blog isn't a fashion one, but fashion is one of my loves. Though I am not a generally competitive person... it would be incredible to get to work with you!
