
barbarella! (lucky, lucky lavender)

I met Clare Acheson, features editor of Global Color Research, on the first week of the fabulous Sketchbook Pop Up Shop, which is still going on til the end of this week (check schedule). She had just chaired an excellent four panel talk on print vs. online and I simply had to shoot her tights.

When I'd started blogging last year, a cool 18 year old student in China, the Sleek Geek (alas, no longer blogging) had hand drawn a similar pair. I kept after her to do it as a line, and she sent me a pair with my name in Mandarin. I posted about it a few times, then wore it once to September's LFW, hand washed it... she'd done it with non-indelible ink! My tears mingled, like rain, with the smokey indigo ink, swirling round my sink.

Lucky, Clare's tights are not only washable, but WE CAN BUY THEM. She was telling me about this great duo, young girls (sisters? or am I confusing them with Rodarte?) from Glasgow. The company is called BEBAROQUE and considering how creative, innovative, and unusual they are (each pair are hand screened) the prices aren't that outrageous: I believe her pair are the Barbarella, and they're just under £30.00. They sell them also at Liberty.

The Sketchbook Pop Up Shop is just the most amazing place. I'd have posted more shots but a), everyone already was posting on it and b) I have other street style shots I need to show you first. The original Sketchbook online magazine was created a year ago by Wafa Alobaidat, left and the pop up shop is the brainchild of Rachel Menashy, right. Brains + Beauty, both of them. And warm. Professional. Get shit done. Our kind of people.

SAVE THE DATES: check the SKETCHBOOK SCHEDULE for deadlines.

SKETCHBOOK SAMPLE SALE featuring Yan To, Alice Palmer, Viking Wong, Swagga and Soul, Harriet’s Muse, Ada Zandition, Heidi Mottram and Dejan Agatonovic • Friday 16th April 2010, 11am-7pm

Tatty Devine Lecture – Diary of a Decade • Saturday 17th April 2pm

or tweet them. I'm definitely going back.

Last but not least: Hedvig's latest foot wear. When we asked her who made them and she said Acne, we all swooned. They're not cheap, but man oh man. Here they are, btw.

Oh I just remembered the reason I put this post together. Have you figured it out? Yes, indeedy, it's those turquoise nails. I was thinking about this whole nail colour mania the other day during yoga class (actually, it was the part where we're meant to be quieting our minds). I mean, crazy old world: people on waiting lists for Chanel colours... it's a bottle of paint! It's insane and yet, we're all caught up in it now. Females, that is: we're cuckoo for cupcakes, and cuckoo for crazy colour on our nails.

Why is that? I have my theories, but I want to hear your thoughts. And while we're at it, what colour are you wearing right this minute? I'm wearing lilac, from Opi. Actually, I just checked the bottle, it's called LUCKY LUCKY LAVENDER. Hah! Great name for a post title.


  1. We colour our nails to stand out, to complete our outfit or just to complain about the messed up left / right hand.
    I really enjoyed this post because I love the way you write.

  2. I am wearing Chanel Particulere. My daughter sitting next to me is wearing Turquoise by Barry M and I am already on the waiting list for Nouveau Vague, the chanel turquoise out in May. See it doesn't matter how old I get I am still obsessed by the same girlie stuff!

  3. those tights are flipping amazing

  4. I love the tights, the Acne shoes aaand the turquoise nails! =D At the moment my nails are green. =) I think colourful nails is a great way to complement an outfit. If you're wearing an all black outfit for example colourful nails can really make a difference and spice it all up.

  5. love the tights...remind me of the mid-1960's.
    :( sorry to hear about your custom tights disappearing in front of your eyes.....and disappearing as you washed them...
    lucky lucky lavender- that would be my pick too!

  6. I've just bought a pale grey polish from Barry M. And I'm still wearing griege!

    I think those Acne booties are just divine!! How does she afford them?!

    Bebaroque do the most beautiful embellishments on their clothes. Those tights are so unique! I really need to get down to the Sketchbook popup shop soon!


  7. Hahaha! I thought the tights was on your mind, so it's about the nail polish. Nice fun color.

    I love the tights though... it's unique and such a creative way to channel the artistic side.

    PS... H&M is a lot cheaper than Topshop. xoxo

  8. OMG i adore her tights! its so beautiful indeed ;D

    im sorry about the tights :( i'll try my best to improve it and i'll give you another one! i promise.

    Jill, your blog is getting greater and greater! i love it!
    keep going!


  9. Oh Jun, please don't feel sorry: I loved them and love them, still (I've saved them, along with your wonderful packaging). I didn't even want to tell you, I knew you'd feel bad.. well now that cat's out of the bag! Just hurry up and ace your A-levels as the world is waiting for you to resume blogging ; ) x

    These comments about nail polish are so interesting (well, to me at least, how sad am I?!) - what each of you has said is just how I'm thinking. I'm putting together a post on it. In my head. Thank you!

  10. Ohhhhh... those Acne shoes are one of my favourite things right now. But alas, they will probably never be mine!

    Currently wearing Lilacism by Essie xx

  11. Currently doing the Jade Nail colour trend so i'm wearing the Gargantuan Green Grape by OPI xx
    PS: I'm stealing those Acne shoes from Hedvig, lucky we wear the same size! :)

  12. Just found out from a friend that No7 do a Particuliere rip off! And it's 3 for 2 on No7 at the moment... I'm off to Boots!

  13. Ooh, I love No7 (their packaging is so Chanel, fraction of the price, no wait list.. I mean, it's nail polish, for goodness sake!). Soon as I'm well enough I'm heading to Boots. Thanks for the tip-off, Alexis. Hope they haven't sold out @ your branch.

  14. I love the turquoise color I'm wearing in the photo, it's from Urban Outfitters and they have an offer 2 for 5£......

  15. Oooh, do they? If/when I ever get out of here, I've got to go!

    Hedvig you should see: last night I was getting so crazy about nail polish I pulled out some old bottles & started mixing. Must do a post about it actually.

  16. I know I'm a bit late to this post, but I absolutely love Bebaroque tights too! I did a blogpost on them a while back, so you can see some more of their designs here: http://lavieenrouge17.blogspot.com/2010/02/bebaroque-rocks.html

    As for my nails, I seem to be switching between various shades of pink and orange lately :)

  17. I like all that outfits and footwear
