

While on my way home from the most magic lunch that lasted til 5, Mr. Dot texted me that I had my 1000th follower! Maike. I tried clicking on her profile to write to her - maybe give her a little thank you gift - but my system crashed. Which is fitting, as I am, too.

Have you ever been so tired you can barely speak? That it almost hurts? Mr. Dot and I were just chilling out tonight. But then, I remembered.. I didn't post today! So this is Holly, who we met when we were having a coffee last weekend with a friend.

She was with her boyfriend. Something like Kyle.. nope. Not Kyle. Drawing a blank. I didn't write down his name, I didn't ask her where she got that simple but beautifully designed dress, or who made those cool boots, or whether she added the black leotard or if it's part of the dress (or even, if it's vintage Luella, which I suspect) and I didn't ask to see her tattoos, didn't photograph them up close, or even ask if the one on her right arm is of a bluebird, which is the cafe where we met her (Bluebird, that is: on the King's Road). All I know is she's originally from Virginia. I gave her my card so perhaps I'll hear from her. Or perhaps not.

Such a wonderful day! I wish I could tell you about it. But I simply can't. All I can say is: people are just constantly amazing me with their wonderfulness. And it only gets better.

What fabulous plans have you got up your sleeves for the weekend? Or are you looking forward to doing absolutely nothing at all?


  1. the dress is wonderful, as is your blog! i think that it is wonderful that you photograph 'strangers' in the street. i know that if i was to be photographed it would give me an instant confidence boost, like the feeling you get when a person you have never met before smiles of compliments you.

    hmm, well the weather is going to be fabulous in london this weekend so i may have to set up a stall at my local car boot sale, to make some extra cash, though i will probably end up visiting a few charity shops and spending it all! :)

    congrats on getting 1000 followers!

    love, jazzabelle xxx

  2. I am always amazed to see that people are happy to pose for your pictures! A lazy weekend ahead for me, thankfully x

  3. love the dress ever so cooooooool

    Swamped in Flowers <3

  4. Her dress is outstanding in its simplicity. I'm still into black and navy combos.

    I smiled when reading that you had a lovely lunch that went on for hours. My girl friends and I are experts at those long lunches. And I thought it was just an island thing! Silly me.

    Huge congrats on your 1,000th follower! I am proud of you, my lovely friend. Well done. You've worked so hard on this blog. It's paying off in many ways. :)

    Weekend plans...I'm working in the gallery tomorrow a.m. to discuss my work w/ interested customers. Then "Mr. Odyssey" & I have a dinner date. (Sunday is our anniversary). Sunday...the beach w/ the canine. I hope your weekend is wonderful.


  5. well done polka dot! getting featured in glamour must have helped. love the new layout, wish i was clever enough to do stuff like that! great dress x

  6. CONGRATS!! 1000 is soo good yay! well done!
    today was fabulous, wish everyday could be as lovely as that was. Will keep in touch and let you know when I can meet up again!

  7. I've somehow only just discovered you, and am very sad that I have missed what have probably been some amazing posts. May have to spend my morning tomorrow reading back over all of them. Reading fabulous blogs and sunshine is hopefully what my weekend will consist of.

    Her dress is beautiful, as are her battered boots.

    And 1000 followers is immense, serious congratulations!

  8. oh i love the dress. the shape is perfect. really simple but perfectly so. i am really loving that colour dark blue with black at the moment. really lovely shots jill. and, i totally agree - today was lovely. thanks for such a great lunch. it was di-freaking-vine. xx

  9. I love her dress too. Congrats on the 1000th my dear friend. I told you... Hahaha!

    Have a great weekend! Mine will be relaxed. xoxo

  10. woooo i just became your 1001st follower!! found your blog through miss daisy chain's! and i love it. (american apparel is my life).


  11. Congratulations on your 1000th follower!!

    She looks very cool and effortless, I really like her sunglasses!

    This weekend I am making a three-tier 30cm tall cake in the design of a coke can. Hopefully it works out!!


  12. wooo congrats Jill!
    Also thanks for emailing AA on my behalf, Michelle is going to look into it and kindly gave me a discount for my next AA buy- through your link of course ;-) x

  13. Congratulations to you, polka dot! A thousand times over. I saw a beautiful bluebird this morning at the Italian's house and then checked your blogsite and saw this bluebird. An adorable dress, great shade of blue and loving it with the black accent and the brown boots. The shot itself is very cool, with your reflection in the sunglasses... very Michelangelo Antonioni! Bravissimo cara mia. xo

  14. That dress is so cute!
