
boyfriend jeans

It never ceases to amaze me: the British public, who are normally so averse to PDAs (public displays of affection) that they will literally flinch upon human contact (Mr. Dot's favourite catch phrase, with friends he's known forever, is 'don't touch me'), will go absolutely mental on the first sign of sunshine and warmth. Hence, if you live in a warm climate outside the United Kingdom, the seemingly bizarre behaviour of Brits on Holiday.

I, however, am American born and bred, and a fool for romance. I've been doing a kind of series on Love. Here, a couple who were unwittingly spotted and dotted as I ran past, one of the recent days we were hanging out in Hyde Park by the Serpentine.

Speaking of Dotted... I've moved my facebook 'club' to a new location: you've been dotted. So please spread the word. We're building a photo album of style shots round the world: definitely join, upload yourself or others, tag them, vote by 'liking' people's shots.. each week I want to do a dot icon post, but I want it to be democratic, chosen by you, dear Dots!

Meanwhile, no time to upload even the shots from Friday, sorry - more posts later - but the sun's coming out and so are we. In fact, this might just be a swimming day!!! Best kept secret: David Lloyd has branches outside London with heated outdoor pools. One of the best things we did was join that club.


  1. ha, spreading the word for sure! lovely shot! great details.. love the hat!

  2. I hope you get to swim today, J! Are you a water sign, by the way? (I'm a Pisces and have always been drawn to water...I suppose that may be obvious from the places I've lived.)

    This photo fills me w/ sentimentality. I like that they're anonymous, in that their faces are hidden.

    Enjoy that sunshine. It's been rainy and muggy here for days but I see some blue peeking from behind the clouds. It's hard to stop that Caribbean sun! Weather permitting, it's a beach day for us. xo

  3. Love this shot... I am always amazed by the PDA of those from Europe and the US too. That is not common in the Philippines, people will stare and gawk. Hahaha!

    I am still choosing a pic for the facebook dotted page... I will post my pic because you know my dream is to be dotted right?

  4. Beautiful shot . . . No lack of PDA in the USA. We are the land of the in your face PDA.

  5. This is such a cute shot. I know, I am one of those 'don't touch me' hugaphobic people! I think we are just genetically awkward!


  6. Haha. It amazes me that you people ever manage to reproduce!

    PD: so true!!! NY especially! When I was at school in Denmark, it's very English, and when we went down to Italy & Greece during spring break, I remember getting shoved off a bus as i was boarding and knocked backwards with my backpack, by a little old lady in black, shouting at me in Italian. As a NYer, it felt reassuringly familiar.

    Leah: just post anything, babe. You can always add more. Seriously! Your dream can come true ; )

    I'd better go, S, or I'l never get to swim. It looks now like the plan has switched to hang out in the park and swim inside at the branch nearest us. I SO WISH I WAS THERE!!!!! I'd swim in a lightening storm, frankly, long as it was turquoise carribean waters.... xoxoxox

  7. p.s. Some Style: sorry, I didn't say, thank you! ; ) x

  8. Just joined your Dotted page on FB. Will spread the polka-word.

  9. Will join the facebook page of course :)
    And I have opted for my local Richmond Park, instead of Hyde... Same difference ;)

  10. this is my favourite photo you have ever posted! it's so lovely and candid :)
    also i've been trying to get that american apparel thing on my page, but i'm so bad with computers - needing a little help! x
