
the flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la

One of my best friends since childhood, Linda, was in town with her husband and son, and we did the tourist thing last Good Friday and went to the Tower of London. I'm absolutely kicking myself I've never been there before - it's fabulous! Can't wait to bring Mr. Dot (he's English, how could he have never been?). We stayed til it a charming man in a red dress kicked us out (it was, after all, closing time).

As we left, this flurry of giant white flowers rushed past us. Note sign above the bridesmaid's head: Lady Getty. It seems so Days of Yore, with a modern twist.

It was just a flash and a few seconds: adjust the bride, move on, get the wedding photos taken before we lose the light.

Spring has suddenly burst into life here in London. This is a wonderful time to be alive. There's a scientific explanation: all this rain and cold weather has meant that the flowers been chomping at the bit to come out. It's gorgeous.

And yet.. there's something so poignant and sad for me about this time: all those daffodils, all these beautiful bulb flowers that come up and see the sunshine for such a brief time. They flower and hope we'll see how beautiful they are, and then they disappear again. Into the earth for a whole year more.

There's something so beautiful to me about the fleeting moment: this flower will never show its face in quite this way again, and this bride, in this moment.. well, you get my drift.

I wonder if the wedding party realised the irony of their choice of location: inside the tower sits, amongst the other treasures, another costume: Henry the 8th's last jousting outfit (alas, he was too unfit to joust in it). And let's face it: this guy saw more brides in his lifetime, than most of us have shoes.

It couldn't be more opposite from a bride's frothy soft material: this is hard and metallic, protecting the King's Manhood. (Alas, that same Manhood didn't produce a male heir, but did give us Elizabeth the First, which counts for something).

I'm off now, with camera, to see what's out there. Hope it's sunny where you are. Go forth, beautiful flowers, and multiply.


  1. haha, jill this post is too great. what a great juxtaposition between the two images. totally was not expecting to see those shots of that armor! xx

  2. i had so much fun when i visited the tower of london. going into all the hidden rooms and such, we should all take more time to learn what our modern life was built upon.

  3. Hahahaha! Peace be with you! :)

  4. wow! Love the shots of the bride.

  5. OH wow, these photos...perhaps your best yet.

  6. those bridal shots are stunning! i bet she'd love them too, as a pretty but candid look on her big day. so gorgeous, well done :) x

  7. I had a great uncle who was a Beefeater at the Tower when I was a little girl!

  8. Oh, I love the beautiful brides! and THANK YOU for reminding me of the tower. Every year I say: We really should go!, but I still haven't been. This year for sure!

  9. What GORGEOUS dresses!!! Sometimes I wish it was the still the style to go around in fabulous dresses all day... :)

  10. the brides & bridemaid outfits are funny- but the jousting outfit is to really takes the cake- was the cup made to fit all sizes? and what about that "peace sign" on the cup ?
