
love, love, love

This was pretty surreal.. was with my husband (the infamous Mr. Dot) in Hyde Park recently, by the Serpentine. Shot this couple who were next to us, then turned around, facing the water, and saw this couple going by:

I can't describe how much it moved me. This beautiful sunny day, children running around, couples falling in love.. the dignity, and the dedication, and the love, that I felt coming from these two. They had such grace and yes, such style, as they moved slowly in front of my view. In the water, couples in boats, moving among the swans, having their own private drama.. choosing partners.. you know, they mate for life. Swans.

Then I turned around and saw these two again. I didn't see who put the shawl on her, but I like to think that he did, while she slept. The sequence of images gave new meaning, for me, to the phrase 'in sickness and in health...'

My wish for you today, no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, that you a) love someone and b) that you, and the object of your love, are both in good health. (I want to add: not everyone needs to be coupled up all the time. There are lots of ways we can love people: friends, family.. and we can love more than one person. As long as we love AT LEAST one person).

The rest is just frosting on the cupcake.


  1. I wish the same for you!!

  2. Beautiful! He and I got into a bit of a snit last night . . . so this is a good reminder that he is who is . . . and even though he drives me mad, I do love him. Thanks Dot.

  3. how lovely! i adore the composition in the second photograph, the couple rowing in the background and the single swan complete the picture.

    love, jazzabelle. x

  4. Beautiful.
    How nice that you had a lovely day.

  5. Sweetness!
    That picture of the older couple is very moving.
    And we wish you the same love & happiness, you do us.

  6. Beautiful juxtaposition of young love and a love that's stood the test of time...lovely shots, as always!

  7. PDA'S all over the parks in summer really makes me puke, but the lovely old couple melted even my stone heart.

  8. Beautiful and impressing pictures! Be loved! Kiss!

  9. beautiful post jill. i love this. xx

  10. so true! good health is the key to good life! without it we are all useless!

    wonderful images!

    which reminds me..need to go to the park soon again!

    all the best wishes for you and your Mr. Dot! ;)

  11. This is why I love your blog so so so much. Beautiful post.

  12. How much I wish for that too.. Really moving post, and it gives me hope for the future!

    xxx Iris (who is now free from uni work!)

  13. such a lovely post and even lovelier shots. i wish for me and my lady to live happily ever after.

    to good health!

  14. Oh... you are all so lovely!!

    I should have said.. maybe I'll add this to the post: there isn't just one kind of love (romantic love). You can love one person, and be, say, a single parent. Or an only child loving an elderly parent. We can love more than one person, of course.. as long as we love SOMEONE.

    Not everyone can be coupled up all the time.

    Actually.. think I WILL add this to the post! ; )

    Thank you each of you.

  15. Love love love.
    My sentiments exactly. To you to!
    UO x

  16. This has made me smile. Lovely. x

  17. Just found you via my blog friend Mrs Fab - where have you been all my blog life?? Love the photography and sentiment behind this post - just gorgeous x

  18. Oh lord I'm feeling the love just looking at these photos.
    How inspiring :-)

  19. Nicest thing to read on a bad day, thanks for cheering up an insanely bored girl here. x

  20. Gorgeous....young love. Very jealous wish I good be enjoying the sun like they are.

  21. Aw that's a lovely thought (: What a nice way to start the day, thankyou! xo

  22. Awww.. my heart is melting! So sweet and significant. All the best wishes for you too sweetie!

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

  23. Love, hum to me means: that "your imperfections are perfect to me". What ever happens, what even life brings, mistakes, diseases, accident, what I love is your imperfections, they do fit in my comprehension...
    Nice post, like your blog XXX

  24. what "ever", sorry I am not English !!

  25. A truly wonderful post, so thought provoking.

  26. What a perfect post! Oh and by the way, W.B. Yeats had the exact same thought about swans in The Wilde Swans At Coole. Great minds think alike, right? :)

  27. What a beautiful post! I wish the same for everyone also :)
