
now it's getting interesting

Maybe it's because we had such a cold rainy spell, but here in London it feels like we've finally burst thru - as have the flowers. With a vengeance. These shots are from last week, when it was still cold enough that we had to struggle creatively to peel away the layers without catching a cold (I failed, obviously).

These sweet girls from Turkey, I feel, got it just right. I did posed shots as well but I like this random one when they didn't know why I was shooting them. This week, we've reached enough warmth that everyone is looking fabulous.

Going back to the Serpentine now, cupcakes, so if you're there and you see me (Breton top, Ray Bans, brown hair, Canon round my neck) come up & say hello: you, too, could be Dotted.


  1. Great shots, especially the first. It's weird to see sunshine in London. Most times that I am there, it rains the whole time.

  2. oh, i love that black leather jacket! do you know where it's from or where she got it from?

    hehe, would definitely come up to you and say hi! ;)


    next time when i be in London i give you a shout out! ;)

  3. Love this first picture, and i think the jacket may be Topshop from a few years ago (as it looks like my one!). London syle's doing us proud now the sun's out...


  4. love this. i need a good breton top! can look out for one on friday? love the first shot. she looks gorgeous! even though it's a bit warmer i still feel like it's an effort to dress for spring in england - the sun goes behind a cloud and your shivering! yikes. love this post - and your london street style. xx

  5. p.s. the girl in the back of the 1st photo looks like one of the girls from the original destiny's child group... anyone with me on that?

  6. jen: my current one is blousy (and it's a small!) and light & i got it really cheap @ zara. sure, will help you find one!

    thank you, styleeast: i took the top shot literally as i ran after a guy (that post is coming up) & the girls & i just waved and laughed as i ran past, so i didn't have time to ask them anything. so you've answered some style's question for me!

    will check out your blogs soon as i'm back (running out now) & hi laura! hi PD! your shots from japan are gorgeous. check out the photodiarist's blogs, everyone: her black and white AND colour ones.

    yes london style IS doing us proud now. finally. all the pretty flowers coming out in the sunshine.

  7. The first two girls look amazing. I really love the red dress with the leather jacket combo and the awesome bag!
