
oh, zuzanna

Zuzanna, in Hyde Park (you'd never know by this shot: it's the wall of the Serpentine Gallery). There's a story (there's always a story) but I"m flying out the door now. So you get just this one shot, kittens, and more, later.

All I can say is: shorts, shorts, shorts. Zuzanna's are vintage, by no one in particular.

So much to tell you! And show you! It will all have to wait, I'm afraid. Doing an experimental thing today that I feel will be potentially exciting for fashion bloggers everywhere. That's a rather grand statement but what can I say, I'm having a superlative day. So far. How about you? How's your day going?


  1. She's got fantastic skin. I love the blue of her bag.

  2. whoa she can totally pull off those round glasses. love this look on her. she's pulling off the crop top much better than poor pixie at coachella. my day is going rather well.. am feeling quite productive so far. with that said - off line and back to work for me. xx

  3. ooh love her look! is her scarf vintage too? i'm having a lazy day, still in my pjs! xx

  4. Shorts, shorts, shorts... I really need them now. Her vintage shorts is fabulous... love the color.

  5. wow, amazing! well, can't wait for your big News-break, later! ;) Tweet Tweet!


  6. She's so pretty, she's got such a flawless skin.. And I really like how the crop shirt matches her shorts!

    (I'm finally back to London tomorrow! yay!)


  7. She has AMAZING style. Totally made it her own. I love her unique circle-shaped purple sunglasses. Also that scarf is gorgeous.


  8. ooh, i'm really excited, i want to know now! i love the half on, half off jacket, the nochalant style ties it all together :)

  9. Spill Jill!! LOL

    Such a great look, so simple but so London.

    Today I went to visit Chanel clogs - strange story, you will here it in a post soon enough!

  10. hi jill! just dropped by to say hi :). and also to tell you i will be in london pretty soon! for work, though. but would still love to meet up with you if you are in town. if everything goes as planned (volcano ash and all), i would be there from may 3-may15. let me know! ;)

    zuzanna (such a great name!) is a cutie!!

  11. wow, exciting and mysterious! Zuzanna is looking pretty perfect. Thanks for getting in contact and your lovely comments - I'd be very interested and flattered.

  12. She looks fab :) Sigh, I wish I could pull off short shorts...
