
what kind of fool am i

I am such an idiot.

I recently posted on the three gorgeous girls from Tank magazine, and especially went into a whole riff on Richard Nichol, who I ERRONEOUSLY claimed designed Georgie's gorgeous wacky studded jacket for Topshop. What was I thinking. It's by one of my favourite, perhaps all time favourite, designers, ASHISH. Well, it's a good excuse to print an old fashioned editorial RETRACTION. AND, to post more shots of his work.

This is from a series I shot as his recent show. Altho it's for A/W, the colours and ideas are still so perfect for now. I think it might have actually been Ashish who got me to think again about orange and tangerine tones, which I wasn't previously wild about.

Note her sequin skirt here: I had that exact pattern and colours (my all time favourite, pale turquoise/celadon) on one of three turkish kilims I bought from the creative director at Simon & Schuster in NY, when I was an art director. He was selling them from his flat file drawers, and all the girls bought some: it was a peer pressure thing. I since loaned them to my brother, and God knows where they are now. Jon, if you're reading this, I'd like them back please!

An authentic, untouched blur shot from the show. I love love love the magic of blurs.

Here's Georgie again in the jacket, and if you want to go back to the original post, you can have a real laugh at what a fool I am. Or... perhaps, inadvertently, that was my April Fish Day prank on YOU. ; D


  1. that jacket is totally wild. would be hard to give her a hug! love these photos from the show. i would LOVE to have ALL of those pieces in that photo... i would wear them all separately and all together... it would be amazing. p.s. i thought you were meeting you friends?? xx

  2. the girl from the show and the photo with the moving lights are amazing!

  3. That sequin lumber jack shirt was my absolute favourite piece I would love it! x

  4. That jacket is amazing, wouldn't want to hug her though!

  5. Those pictures are amazing!!!! Love love!
