
@ last!

This morning, Mr. D went fishing at like 6:00, with his publishing friends (yeah, if you were wondering why nothing ever gets done in major fashion magazines, that's why: it's the original FF, Fishing Fridays). He called around 9:00 and said listen it's a beautiful day, don't stay inside.

I then proceeded to spend all day inside with the cat, going thru countless shots from Tuesday morning's preview @ the new Topshop in Knigthsbridge that opened yesterday, painstakingly cropping and adjusting light balance and so on. Liz, who does their PR and who I met last spring (spotted & dotted her in Primrose Hill and cracked up when she told me what she did), had invited me to a 'low key breakfast: bloggers and onliners'. I brought Bianca, shown here. We're friends with her dad, and she's just started fashion blogging. I had just met her literally 30 seconds earlier, and before we went inside, a bit after 9:00 a.m., I asked her to jump.

She said the same thing everyone says: 'I can't jump' but then finished with '.. in these shoes.'

Of course she can. Anyone can jump, if they put their mind to it. Her shoes, by the way, are from River Island.

Anyway, after painstakingly choosing my shots - and I still haven't finished - I went to post but the internet was down. Arrgggh!!! So I went to the park for the last part of the day, and discovered that Gloucester Road had a power cut. Have no idea if there's any connection. But I wanted to start you off with SOMETHING, and will do more posts in the next hour or two, so you'all come back, you here?

If you're in London: who's been to the new Topshop? What do you think? We loved it but then again, we had an amazing experience. As I hope to show you shortly.


  1. you're loving the mid air pics at the mo.....new trend in poses? i think so.

    ohh ey yeah, i've seen a couple of blogging swaps but the personal shopper is an idea.......are you offering? i'd only send you to COS ;)

  2. Next time I'm in London which maybe in July I will have to check out the new top shop...and her shoes are fab!

  3. cutest shoes ever! would be neat to have those and be able to switch around the bow color.
    have you seen Roz's post today? she was quite complimentary to you (but of course). glad you two had the pleasure of meeting. xo

  4. LOVE her shoes .. and good effort jumping!

  5. LOVE those shoes, fabulous!
    Aaah, you should have set your laptop (if that is what you are using, not a computer) up outside, it was a gorgeous sunny day! Really feeling summery.
    UO x

  6. those shoes looks awesome, such lovely shots again!


  7. Loving the jump shots! Your models always seem to do it effortlessly and far more gracefully than I ever could!
