
be still my beating heart: JESUS @ ASOS

There is a story behind this story. Of course there is.

Yesterday, having infiltrated ASOS HQ, or the Happy Place, as I now call it, I was taken on a tour: they actually have a CATWALK, with models being filmed and still shot all day long. It's insane.

Later, by accident, I found myself shooting an empty dressing room when who should walk in, but Jesus. Changing his shirt. God is he cute. And really, really nice. We chatted a bit and then I started shooting him and he started doing that thing that models do. After that, I honestly don't remember anything, not even his name.* It was a bit scary, actually. I think I realised he's American, but the rest is a blur. I couldn't hear over the beating of my own heart.

*(My lovely new friend, ASOS Nat, who is at the core of the story and who was with me at alleged incident, and somehow was more conscious than I, just told me: it's RANDY. Swear to God.

When I was young and single, I had several 'types', but this wasn't one of them. Friends would see a guy and say 'he's your type': tended towards young Bob Dylan, kinda scrawny, curly hair.. Mr. Dot was kind of my type, but more bad boy than I normally went for (he was more like a young Mick Jagger). I tended to go for a kind of geek chic type, but after yesterday, I'm a convert.

Messiah chic, in black and white. Shirt, jeans, belt: ASOS. Hair and tattoos: model's own. As for the story behind the story, what I was doing in the Happy Place: stay tuned.

What's your type?


  1. And His name? Randy. How very appropriate ;)

  2. NO! That's hilarious. Thank you, Nat, will add this minute - was just walking out the door.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. He's ... ah, I'm lost for words here. Yum. That smile of hissss..... Sorry I just swooned.

    My type? Ha, Koreans. It goes that far that I can tell you someone is asian just seeing his/her hair a 100 m away. And my far sight (long sight?) is crap!

    I think I seriously have to relocate to South Korea.

  5. Can't believe his name was Randy - how apt! Also the expression 'Messiah chic' cracked me up. . . as for i type, i like the pretty pretty boys. Leo Di Caprio for life! ck :) x

  6. Thanks for your sweet comment and the link to the pages, but I would no ideas as how to go about collaborating with anyone, I'ma bit helpless when it comes to that. I just draw as more of a hobby and you're right clothes-wise. I don't know if I have a type, as I've liked guys that have all looked different, but there's something about Johnny Depp as Captain Jack that does it for me :D xxx

  7. Type? Tall, dark and handsome. Everytime.
    'Messiah chic' How Genuis!

  8. Well, there is something about this man, but my type is a bit different: I love dark skin, dark eyes and hair, manly arms. And when I say "manly" I don't mean extra big muscles, I just like well shaped arms:)

  9. I wouldn't normally say he was my type either, but he's VERY pretty so I'll make an exception :)

    I think my 'type' is a mixture of pretty boy and bad boy (pretty bad boy?) but I never seem to end up with that!

  10. Hmmm, type... Men (not boys, if you know what I mean)! Manly men, preferably wild with dark hair and bright eyes. That said, this guy is gorgeous! I love the 'Messiah chic' term ; )

  11. gorgeous.
    my type? dark, stubbly, doesn't mind being mocked.


  12. oh my, he is so gorgeous. you lucky thing, jill! xxx

  13. p.s. i briefly mentioned this post on my blog, i hope you don't mind! xxx

  14. Mr Dot should be worried :p

  15. I'm so jealous you got to go to the Asos hq!
    Haha, it's so sweet that your heart was beating fast and it went by in a blur when you were photographing him!

    Lydia xxx

  16. Sweet baby Jesus...Messiah chic...YES! Swoony Randy Yes! Thank you for sharing...I'm a convert ;)

  17. ha, hilarious! yep, love that hippie boy type as well! have a huge crush on Mr. Keanu Reeves..he is my god, hehe! just kidding..but for me it's all about the eyes and than the rest will follow!..
    what a great and exciting day for you! fabulous!

  18. omg, what a gorgeous creature!
    my type is a bit bad boy, quick-witted, adventurous, kind (especially to animals), and intelligent. i suppose you could say i married him. :)

  19. he is gorgeous! has a look of james franco about him

    some of my friends insist i go for bad boys, others would say 'freaks'. Let's just say I'm more drawn to christian slaters character in Heathers than I should be

  20. LOL, does Mr. Dot read your posts???????
    just kidding
    i totally understand you. this randy guy is very cute!

  21. cakefacefran04/06/2010, 08:08

    just made the first picture my desktop...sigh

  22. oh myyy, what a babe. and i LOVE that you tagged this post with "jesus christ" ahahaha.

  23. He may not be your type but he certainly is mine! All in a hard day's work shooting gorgeous models?! Love the label of "messiah chic" too ha ha ha x

  24. what a BEAUT..part james franco part johnny depp = perfection!

  25. Yeah, he's TOATALLY my type. Johnny Depp combined with my ex-boyfriend. Gorgeous. Love the hair, scruff, eyes and tattoos.

  26. He is beautiful!


  27. veryyyyy nice! My type always is olive skin and brown eyes...Im a sucker for a man with long hair, although my husband has a shaved head hahah

  28. These are pretty fantastic pics but you have a GORGEOUS subject too.
