
best face forward

There's something I've noticed from time to time when I shoot people: they have a side. I don't mean as in 'she's got a SIDE to her'. I mean, they have one side that they turn to the camera, and do not want to be shot from the other side. Film stars in Hollywood had that, in early, black and white films. Norma Scherer, for example. I mean, she was no great beauty, but she was married to one of the most talented producers in Hollywood, Irving Thalberg. She had the best team of cameramen and art directors, lighting her to be so beautiful, and yet, if you ever caught her on her 'wrong' side: totally different face.

On the other hand, look at Jazzabelle, of the blog of the same name. She is brilliant: beautiful and talented beyond her young years. Another wise old soul in a young woman's body. And yet, as she clearly states on her 'a bit about me' part: 'I look prettier in my photographs than I do in real life, I lack self esteem and confidence, and I am rather awkward. I'm quite nice, though.'

And frankly, she is. Very nice.

So, against her better judgment, I tried an experiment: I shot her face from both sides. Can anyone figure out which is the 'bad' side?

I promised her I'd give her First Refusal on the photos, but after sending her one, she decided to be brave and trust me. I hope I haven't let her down. Jazzabelle, you ROCK!

Shot at the wonderful recent RARE press event at Soho House that you might have seen the bloggers raving about. Almina and her crew are just fabulous, and the collection is amazing. All I'm showing you here is just ONE SHOE: the gorgeous tall blue suede one. The rest is all Jazzabelle's real clothes. I'm saving a proper post on the event for later, as this is what I wanted to say. I feel we all have a face we want to show the world, but frankly, as J said, and I quote, " I need to learn to deal with what I look like, as people see my unflattering side every bloody day."

Do you have a bad side?


  1. this post literally brought tears to my eyes, jill. thank-you so much. love, jazzabelle. xxx

  2. I loved this, she is beautiful and doesn't have a bad angle in the slightest! Wonderful photos.

  3. Looks beautiful, she is too modest!
    UO x

  4. Love her SO much! She's adorable and so kind too. I love the huuuuuge shoe with her cute flat boots! Fab! x

  5. She looks so lovely!
    At the moment I have a rash on the right side of my face, and I've just realised that's the side I normally show! How annoying :P


  6. Great post. I think a lot of people (blogging girls especially I suppose) deal with the 'which side' question every once in a while.
    The girl above is amazing and I advise her to where the suede shoe with this outfit. Although I love her boots (I own a similar pair myself) the heels work just perfectly.
    And does anyone know where I can get those dotted thigths? The last time I've seen a pair like this was in February. All of my pairs got holes and ladders so I am in desperate need of a new pair..

  7. GORGEOUS photos - and I love her style. I really relate to everything you're talking about...

    Little Rachael Vintage

  8. I love this girl, she's so beautiful! And her blog is one of my favorites. As for your question... i don't know if I have a bad side, my problem is that I don't like how I look like when I pose, I have to make silly faces or the picture has to be unexpected. I'm weird.

  9. She doesn't have a bad side... maybe that or I guess, it's you Jill. You captured her best angles.

    I do have a bad side but I try to balance that with a fabulous smile.

    Have a great day! Miss you! xoxo

  10. To me, she looks exactly the same from both sides. I, however, DEFINITELY have a better side. Or at least I think I do...

  11. She looks great on both sides. I too have a certain way I think looks best to be photographed. But sometimes there are pictures I still post, or in my personal life, that still make it onto the mantle because that is how I look even if it is not my favorite and why dhouldn't it be embraced as well?

  12. this is such an incredible post. that really was such a surreal moment when we were all standing around in a circle and she laying out here feelings about how she didn't think she was pretty and all of our jaws were just on the floor. i remembered you mentioned (before she had said that), 'but you know you're a pretty girl.' and everyone just stood there waiting... and she was like, 'no...'. it's crazy isn't it? because she is absolutely beautiful. and your right, really nice. i definitely don't think she's got a 'better' side. all sides are looking pretty darn gorgeous i do have to say. xx

  13. I've seen to many pictures of her from the Rare event, and have checked out her blog, she seems absolutely lovely! And is bloody gorgeous, from both sides (my personal favourite is the very last photo)!! If I could go back and speak to myself when I was this age (am guessing she's still a teenager!), I'd say don't waste it worrying, have fun and enjoy, you only live it once (get me being all "wise old owl"!)

    Meet up soon you say, Jill?? That would be great - email me some dates you're free, I'm not going out of London again for the forseeable future x

  14. Shes so pretty - on both sides!! Does she often wear odd shoes? I tend to turn to the right, just habit I think though rather than a need to hide the left LOL!

    p.s Chanel giveaway on my blog xx

  15. I think the "side" thing is as much a function of the viewer as it is of the subject. There is such a thing as a "traditional" viewing angle. We see it here in the first few shots; we see the subject's left side with her looking "stage left". This makes sense in the western world that reads left to right, seeing the face on the left and moving to the right to see the body. This has been the case since at least the Middle Ages- think of animals used in heraldry. Nearly all face "stage left".

  16. bad side? no way! gorgeous. :)
    the wedge boots are fierce.

  17. Freja Beha Erichsen is that chu?
    She has a bad side? She is gorgeous & she doesn't even know it!

  18. She has no better side! She's such a naturally pretty, beautiful girl. And I'm glad you've written this post, I hope it gives her a confidence boost :)


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I go to college with her and I think she's an absolute fab, she's secretly one of my fashion inspiration. And yes, you're right she's a very nice person, easy to get along with, and she's absolutely beautiful. With a doubt.

    I myself think that I'm photogenic, I think with people like me and Jazz it's a bit easier to get a photo whichever side we have faced. But I still do have my moments where I feel that my right side is always better than my left, however I think it's the matter for the photographer to capture a photo at the right moment, and as the 'poser' in the photo .. like Tyra Banks would say just "WORK IT!", have the confidence and be comfortable.

  21. she's beautiful, she has no bad side! she's also my new best friend, hehe. lovely seeing you again :)

  22. she's super pretty and all the new rare stuff looks excellent, i'm really impressed with it. hmm i have a bad side i guess too you know, i have acne scars on one cheek more than the other, all red a grrrrr. so that gets me down but i guess im used to it now

  23. That's it Pret a P, I couldn't put my finger on it... Freja Beha!

    She is indeed a gorgeous girl.


  24. Wonderful. She is beautiful and such an inspiration x

  25. I totally empathise with this, as I am continually shocked when I see photos of myself 'in action', as it were, when I (we) am only used to seeing my face straight on in the mirror, not snorting with laughter or blinking lopsidedly...

    Jazz is beautiful as anything though, and will grow in confidence I think as she goes on x

  26. Totally agree, Louise.

    Your comments are all so wonderful! Thank you on Jazz's behalf. x

  27. If she has a bad side I sure as hell can't see it! Gorgeous (young)woman! :D btw where are the shoes from? Love them!

  28. thank-you for all of your wonderful kind comments, words cannot describe how much each one means to me. thank-you :')

    love jazmine. xxx

  29. Well thank YOU, Jazmine, for having the self awareness to know what your fears are, and the courage to face them. You've really inspired me since we met last week.

    And Sophie: Thank you! Photos by ME! ; ) Everything on my blog is, and in the Rare (ha!) instance when they're not, I'll say so.

  30. I like it, she is beautiful and doesn't have a bad angle in the slightest!

    Face Forward Deborah Alessi
