
creative studio

First, thank you for your wonderful words on my post yesterday about my father. I woke thinking there is so much more I want to tell you about him, but we've got all the time in the world.

I was also semi dreaming about the shots in this post, I have no idea why. Possibly because it is to me, style perfection. This is Jennifer, who I met last week @ ASOS (I PROMISE I will tell you the story of why I've been going there), but for now, and since I've got to scoot out the door ASAP, I'm just going to let the images speak for themselves.

Apart from one thing: note her nails. I love that grey with the cream of her blouse. It's those subtle details that keep this from being a matchy matchy top to toe black and white look.

That, and the colour of her hair. And that particular warm red of her lipstick. Okay, that's it, I'll shut up now.

Sorry, just had one more thing: those lace anklet socks with the brogues. Isn't amazing?

Blouse by Zara, don't know about the rest. Shot at ASOS HQ last Thursday. How was your weekend, Kittens?


  1. love the shoes with lace socks...so super cute yet masculine :)))



  2. im with you here - this outfit is pretty much perfection to me! Need. Lace. Socks. Now! ck :) x

  3. Wow, she is amazingly stylish.
    Particularly like the ankle lace socks with the brogues.

    Lydia xxx


  4. indeed, such cool and playful look! love the nude blouse and the black flats! adorable!

  5. Luv her outfit, its super chic! xx

  6. Vogue.co.uk are running a great street fashion photography competition at the moment;



  7. Thank you, Bibby: see side bar. I really must do this, I'd be kicking myself if I didn't. Big hug!! ; ) x

  8. p.s. sorry : thank you all for commenting!!!

  9. her socks and brogues are just perfection! funny really, i was going to tell you about the vogue street style comp when i met you, but it totally skipped my mind. i'll have a look through your photographs and tell which ones are my fave.

    love, jazzabelle. xxx

  10. i rather like 'brand identity' http://streetstylelondon.blogspot.com/2010/05/brand-identity.html

    but my first thought was jesus, you've got to include him! what was his real name, randy? *swoon*



  11. So simple and so beautiful. Love those shorts.

  12. wow, very stylish. love that she combined the shorts and the elegant top with flats and socks.

  13. i have a soft spot for ruffled shirts and the lace anklet socks are very cute with brogues..its given me ideas!

    about the street style competition, my favourites flicking back are 'copper tone' and 'the politics of style'.

  14. This girl is dressed perfectly, exactly to my taste! I think you should choose this for your Vogue entry... But, I would just like you to know I was going to tell you about the competition to because you are just such a fantastic street style blogger and I seriously hope they check out your blog and see all the support you get from your followers!
    UO x

  15. Just lovely, the perfect mix of pretty and kooky. I'll have a look back at all your street style shots, you've so many to choose from! Agree about including Randy though, he ought to sway the judges!! x

    ps - 2ND JULY ha ha!!!!

  16. love, love, love those lacy socks and brogues!

  17. Hey Jill, incase you still haven't entered that Vogue comp here are some that I really like:


    Anyone can take a photo of a cute girl in a pretty dress, and many street blogs I read have an eye for style but out of all the blogs, no one can capture personality quite like you xx

  18. i love her outfit. simple and chic but with a bit of an edge. that top is incredible. can't believe it's zara. and those lacy ankle socks with the brogues? so cute. love her outfit and these photos are great. xx

  19. I love evrything about this. I think it's gonna be a brogue day tomorrow, haha.


  20. I LOVE the blouse! I really want to go shopping now =/ ... even though I really can't.

  21. Outfit is delicious. So many tasty details: those lace socks, the brogues, and the big oversized watch. Beautiful.

  22. Gorgeous! Chic and fabulous...
    Great post and photo!

  23. Wowzer don't think I've ever heard so many nice things about one of my outfits. Thank you!

    Come and have a look at my daily wardrobe posts on my blog.


  24. I love the lipstick! I noticed an ad at the bus stops here in NYC for Chanel Rouge lipstick, and I think the model in the ad is wearing a shade called Muse, which looks like a match for that worn by the prettier version of Callista Flockhart in your blog. Great shade for paler skin tones, I think.

  25. I love her outfit; everything goes so well together, the colours and the materials... This is elegant and feminine, yet casual and comfortable. Just perfect :)
    p-s: she wears her watch on her right hand loll I never met someone who did so too :)
