
the girl with the rose in her hair

And the smile on her dress. Shot at Earl's Court, Graduate Fashion Week.

Isn't she sweet? I've totally forgotten her name. Apologies, Girl with the Rose in Your Hair! Hope you find us ; )

Must run out now to meet my lovely friend Natayla, who's in from Geneva. So many posts to catch up on, I don't know where to begin. Sorry so many from GFW: there are so many other catwalk designers I want to show you, brilliant talent, but that's not all I've been shooting. I'm sorry if I've neglected commenting and visiting your blogs, but I'm reading your comments and really appreciate your support! Oh and the 'specs give away' isn't over yet - check the sidebar (that's not their glasses, you need to click on their site - it's all on the post).


  1. Great photos, she's lovely. I love the way she's paired the girlish, pretty rose with the piercings and quite a rock-y outfit.

    Was sorry to miss you at the Rare event yesterday, I couldn't get there any earlier as was on way back from Scotland! x

  2. she's sooooooo cute....big bambi eyes :)))) adorable!!!!



  3. she's beautiful! i love how she as added the girly rose to her not so girly outfit, just like style east has said up above.

    thank-you for your comment, it was lovely to meet you too! yes, it was rather weird how similar we both are. ohh i can't wait to see the shots! :)

    it's lovely to know that people like and understand my artwork, i got so stressed over the course of this project! i literally nearly started crying when i saw the amount of people who stopped to look at my piece and read my description, i'm really proud of what i have acheieved. i shall definately do a post on my work soon.


  4. The last photo is especially lovely.

  5. She is wicked looking! She has such a doll face. This outfit is something I wouldn't wear, but it looks absolutely stunning on her!


  6. did you take her picture on thursday? (i mean that education day. that was thursday, right?)

    I think I saw her, but I'm not quite sure.
    Not 100% in love with the look, but I love the contrast between young girl and young woman.

  7. oh these shots are incredible. i love you've put this post together. she looks incredible. lover her quirky rocker style and those leopard tights... and it's just perfect with that feminine flower in her hair. really lovely. xx

  8. great eyes!!!
    remain me to katy perry ^^

    visit my site :

  9. Hi Natasha! So glad you did. Writing this from holiday in the States - can't send emails til we're back home 11th August - but please do email after that and I'll send you the shots. Thanks for posing, you're a great model ; )

