
got your back

The first time I remember hearing the phrase - or seeing it in print - was in an article on Angelina Jolie, possibly Vanity Fair. She was being all coy about how she and Brad were 'just good friends' but how, on the set of of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, they 'had each others' backs.' (And, as we soon discovered but really knew all along: they had more than just each others' backs.)

It's a great expression, tho. It means more than loyalty, or not betraying one's partner - or friend, or colleague. It's about actually looking out for one another. Being MINDFUL of one another. Or, to use a more quaint phrase: beholdent. That word doesn't pass spell check, and I also see it as 'beholden', but I could swear I heard Martin Sheen as President Bartlett use that phrase in West Wing several times in an episode.

Anyway: this dress. This look. I love it. Ran after the girl but lost her. It's funny, the Hay Festival is a lot like fashion week with respect there's this mad dash to queue for events, same as with catwalks, but the rest is oh so chilled.

Anyone know who made that dress? I want one!!!


  1. i just hope the front has a little more fabric :)

  2. I hope you have someone that "got your back". Because for me is not that important to have a bf being able to take care of me when I'm in need but also a true friend that does that.:)

  3. I want one too! Hope we find out where it's from! xx

  4. That dress is absolutely gorgeous. Hope you manage to source it!
    Not sure I would wear it with leggings though, not the biggest fan of leggings.

  5. You know another great thing about this blog? I learn new words in english!
    And yes, that dress is beautiful. But you need a great back to pull it off.

  6. Love that dress. Backs-a-gogo!


  7. It's topshop! £50


  8. Thank you, Michelle, whoever you are! I don't see a link to YOU, but if you happen to come back and read this, I thank you, and I'm sure others do, too. Will add that to the post now.

    It really amazes me, sometime, what a wonderful world this is. That I can sit in my bedroom tapping on a laptop and just put the most obscure question out there, and someone, somewhere in the world answers.

    Whoever invented the internet. we owe them so much. And I bet someone out there knows who he - or she (but I suspect it's a he) is!
