
i have seen the future and it looks bright

On Thursday I went to Graduate Fashion Week at Earl's Court in London. FABULOUS event. I was able to hang out in the pretty pink modern press room between shows and nibble on lovely tea sandwiches, and try to edit down over 1500 shots of the Gala catwalk show (which I saw twice). Which I've just uploaded.

It's pretty daunting, actually. The talent of the British fashion students is just so amazing, and I want to do them justice. These are the designers of our future.

This is only ONE DRESS from one designer. And I don't even know who, yet. The organisers of the show will send me the list, which I'll co-ordinate with shots I took of the ticket-tape effect going on in the background (it really was beautifully designed and organised).

As I was uploading all this - which I need to back up, as I'm getting a new laptop on Tuesday - I just felt.. overwhelmed. Mr. Dude is getting antsy to go to a film (we were going to go to the outdoor pool, now the weather is looking grey) and he's been at me all morning about time.. it's the weekend! And I've been working at this since 8:00!

And then I thought about a chat over coffee I had yesterday morning with a dear friend (you know who you are!) and how overwhelmed she was feeling with her life: husband, children, the career in fashion she gave up and wants to get back to.. sometimes I find it easier to advi. And the advice I gave to her is what I'm giving to myself now: baby steps. One at a time.

I'm not saying I'm going to do a post with four shots of every single outfit that was on the catwalk. Please. I'd love to, but that would take a year. But I can chip away, image by image. I'll get there.

Speaking of which, he's leaving without me! Must click 'publish post', if I've made any errors, apologies.

I hope wherever you are today, whatever you're doing, even if it's 'work', it will feel like fun. Big kiss! X


  1. Looks like you had a pretty jammy front-row view too, Jill!

    Looking forward to the rest of the coverage. I hate missing out on all these events because I'm not based in London :(


  2. That one dress made my day. LOVE IT!

  3. Beautiful dress!
    Can't wait to see the rest :)
    Having fun today will depend on how the game Argentina x Nigeria goes...
    Have a nice day you too! :)

  4. wow, such wonderful new creation! fabulous!

  5. That dress deserves the focuse! It is amazing! :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend Dot!!!

  6. these photos are insanely gorgeous! feeling a teensy bit jealous that i couldn't be there with you for this! i looks amazing. this dress is insanely beautiful! can't wait to hear who it's by! xx

  7. Wow, lucky you to attended that show

    That dress is amazing...I like how the shoes match, but these high ones actually are a bit OTT for the whole beach vibe of the dress.

  8. Graduate Fashion Week looked so amazing. Jealous that you were lucky enough to go!!


  9. you went thursday? me, lucy + carrie went wednesday :) wasn't it great! i loved the cute little press lounge too. great photos :) xx

  10. amazing shoes!!


  11. Really enjoying your photos from the shows, Jill, keep 'em coming! You've been so busy blogging lately, it's putting me to shame! x

  12. Hi I am Ludmila Maida, the designer of those printed dresses. Thanks for all the lovely coments about my collection, its nice to know people like it. x

  13. Oh Ludmila! We LOVE your collection! Can you please get in touch? I'd love to do a little online interview with you!!


    Thank you so much for commenting here and thank you all. xox
