
public displays of affection

Lounging near this couple on the grass in the centre of the Hay Festival last weekend. I showed this picture to Mr. Dot and he said 'they must not be English.' (He doesn't believe in PDAs, or Public Displays of Affection, but my theory is it's because he lived in NY all those years, went to an all boy's school before that, and clung to the belief that the British were like what you saw in moving pictures. He's cool, yet in some ways.. what can I say, he's English.)


  1. this is a really sweet PDA - i hate it when people full on snog in public - gross! Im with Mr Dot on that one! ck :)

  2. This is acceptable PDA, I can't cope with people slurping all over each other - especially right in front of me on the tram, when I have no where to move to and no magazine to hide behind LOL x

  3. Aww, this photo warms the cockles (but, agree, that's about the maximum level of PDA allowed! x

  4. This photo is cute, I don't like over the top DPAs and really soppy stuff but holding hands and the odd cuddle I think is fine! I agree with the earlier posts, there's a level of PDA that's appropriate, but can quickly be exceeded and make people feel uncomfortable! x

  5. I was thinking what Mr. Dot was thinking . . .

  6. Haha, you should come in Romania because you can see this in every place!:P And a bit more, like kissing and caressing. Nothing inapropriate, of course.

    Love is love and why shouldn't see every day things like this than swearings or sad faces.

  7. Haha my opinion of PDAs tends to change depending on whether I'm in a relationship myself! Usually if I'm single, PDAs really irritate me, but if I've got a boyfriend, they're ok ;)

    This photo's sweet - I like how the woman's got the deckchair and the guys just sprawled on the floor.

  8. This is really sweet.
    I don't mind public displays of affection, so long as it's not too over the top.

    Lydia xxx


  9. franki: I was thinking the same thing: in the time I was sitting near them, (lying on the grass actually) I was kind of observing that she seemed to wear the trousers ; )

    With Mr. Dot, he ALWAYS gets the deck chair, and I'm always sprawled on the ground. But I prefer lying on the earth (or, preferably, sand).

  10. I love this picture. I think we English do PDAs, just generally we're more subtle about it, or maybe it's just that I wish we were more subtle on the few occaisions I have had the misfortune to accidentally walk into a snogging couple taking up the whole of the pavement (That was embarassing, but I feel totally their fault...)

  11. hello :) wondering how the photos turned out like from the london grad fashion show, x natasha

  12. This is really sweet, I think. I'm generally okay with PDAs, as long as they're not over the top. I think it's wonderful to see people in love. There is so much negativity and hate in the world, that I take a lot of pleasure in seeing happy people.
