

My friend Hedvig, in Hyde Park near the Serpentine last week. She had just bought these sunglasses but totally blanking from who. I'm sure my Anonymous Source will let me know (it's true: I have no idea who that person is, or if it's male, female, or just... God. But every time I'm stumped, someone Anonymously gives me the answer).

The same day, an hour or so later, I was outside Oriental Canteen in South Ken with Mr. Dot, waiting for take away, when we saw a guy get off his scooter and order take away, too (it's the best). His dog was dangling from his backpack: the goggles are for the wind when they ride.

We have a winner! My first give away is now officially over. Laura, of no blog, came up with the most convincing argument why she should get a pair of Etnia Barcelona spectacles (see comments, 'lit chic'). She chose Chelsea, in tortoise, which is wonderfully nerdy. Check out their wild & whimsical website. I've turned down every single give away offer so far but there was something about this one. And I get a pair, too. I can't decide: Chelsea or Amsterdam, both in tortoise, in clear glass just purely for fun? Or go for the sunglasses: Cabarete or Le Morne, each in bottom half cream, top the brown diamond pattern?

I've got to decide soon, if I want to get them in time to go on holiday to the Dominican Republic and end of Long Island!


  1. Hedvig has the most perfect skin! Love the pic of the dog.

    Amy x

  2. This is a fanastic shot - dog's great too.

  3. I want those sunglasses. I want that dog!! xx

  4. Love those sun glasses, so original!

    And the DOG! Oh my, how cute!

  5. The dog with goggles is seriously adorable- and how thoughtful of his owner :)

  6. haha, i love the dog with the goggles! super cute!

  7. That dog is adorable!

    Lydia xxx

  8. cute little dude! if its for you hols get the proper sunglasses. you will grown bored of clear ones

  9. What a cute sight to start my day!
    I enjoy reading your blog everyday, thanks!

  10. That dog is just too cute Jill!
    I've been to busy to read any blogs the last week, so I've got a lot of catching up to do, thank you for including me once again. Such sad news about your nefue, I really hope he's getting better, fingers crossed!

    The shot turned out great, you in bikini and my polka dotted towel in the reflection, lol, my glasses looks huge on my my little face but I love them, they are from MARNI.

  11. This is a great post! Love the portraits of Hedvig and the dog but the one of H is otherwordly - it's so good. Those glasses rock too. Hope your source sources it for us.

  12. BTW, are you going manual on your camera yet?
