
what just happened

I'm loathe to cover up the previous post of Jennifer (Style East, below: 'we come in peace') in case you're just tuning in. But that's the nature of a blog, babes: we're like sharks, we've got to move forward or.. what? Anyway, I never did tell you the story of what happened to me that day @ the Topshop Knigthsbridge preview thingy ('beware the sirens, sailors') but I guess you figured saw it coming. I was the only clueless one.

You see, I thought the whole idea when they said we could try things on was to have fun, take a few pictures, eat some breakfasty things, and toodle off. So I snapped..

.. and snapped..

... and admired, oohed a bit, ahhhed a bit more.. and when I was done, I was like, thank you very much. I didn't know we could buy things, at a press discount!

I blame these girls. They go by the names of Amy, and Alice, and they are part of the Topshop Personal Shoppers initiative, and they are Trouble with a capital T. They will make you buy things you had no intention of buying.

But I must say... I love my new shoes. They are so not me. I'm normally a flats girl: sandals, boots, brogues, little ballet pumps. These are my first ever wedges. I have had to learn to walk all over again, and after the first day in them, I went swimming and literally cramped up. Mr. Dot wants to know why they're on the coffee table in the living room: I just think they're the most beautiful, sculptural works of art.

But change is good. It makes us look at things differently. I can wear the same clothes, but with these shoes, it's a whole new ball game.

What have you worn, or done, recently, that took you out of your comfort zone? How was it for you?

(New/old looking faded shorts from H&M, striped Breton top from Zara, jacket vintage i.e. I've had it from my NY days from Piazza Sempione, Barneys NY, and pale sea green gorgeous suede lace up wedges.. Topshop. Post title by the film of the same name with Robert DeNiro. Have you seen it? It's pretty good. The title just cracks me up.)


  1. Great shoes and a discount, Wow!

  2. i got some gorgeous high heeled trainers the other day..completely impractical but who cares! there's a story there which i'm going to do a post on actually. your ones are gorgeous! x

  3. I'm really jealous of those wedges, the colour is amazing.
    I don't think I could even train myself to walk in them though. I'd walk out of the house, get to the end of the street and turn back and put some flat shoes on to get me firmly back to earth!
    Really wish I could have gotten that though!

    Lydia xxx


  4. you are freaking HILARIOUS! and can i please just say that you also tried to put them on the table when we were eating brunch in covent garden... next to the massive cup of coffee (to show the size). that was the most hysterical thing ever... and then our food showed up so you couldn't. it is really cracking me up that they are sitting on the coffee table. you are a total nutcase. i hope you know that. i love this post. it seriously made me laugh and smile... which are two very needed things for me at the moment! xx

  5. i think that's possibly because i don't really see them as shoes. i see them as portable sculptures. thinking of you and hope it's going well and notice i'm not talking to you so you can get your work done!

    lydia: that's what i thought would happen. but you get used to them. they don't actually hurt while you're wearing them, it's when you take them off that's the killer.

    danniekate, would love to hear YOUR story! please let me know when the post is up. thanks.

    fab/forties: i know!! who knew?? if i'd planned ahead i could have taken orders.

  6. I loved your article. Made me chuckle. When I first saw your pic in those wedges I had you down as an everyday heel wearer. That's what I love about fashion. It can transport a person to another place. I am going to follow you on Twitter. Follow me back if you get a chance. Profile name is ReallyRee.


    PS I do think walking in wedges is a whole different ball game!

  7. such cute photos. i love this blog. its so wonderful and positive


  8. wow, great story! really a lucky girl..and you have a very fresh and entertaining way of telling stories! love it! cool press discount! how much did you get? so curious! greets!

  9. the shoes are beautiful

    and I love the girls´style

  10. those shoes are fantastic - temptation is a killer! ck :) x

  11. I loved this shoes from the moment I saw them on the site... I'm so envious of you.:P Kidding! And I'm doing the same when I have shoes that I adore. Can't stop admiring them, I could even take them with me in bed.:D

  12. WOW... I'm in LOVE with the shoes. Let's rock some wedges now my friend... I guess it's time to let our oxfords and flats take a much deserved rest. xoxo

  13. Aww this post is so lovely, I love reading your posts, they are so inviting, like a little story before bed time to dream of lovely things.

    I really wish I took more photos of my outfits, I get compliments for outfits, then forget what I was wearing, but in the summer, I am going to turn this around and will blog about my outfits much more often.

    ps I replied to you on my comment, I know, v silly. xx

  14. I agree with Nicole! And jen! And everyone. Very funny, always makes me smile. And totally lustworthy heels, if only I could walk in such beauties... x

  15. It's good I always check in a couple of times, otherwise I might have missed a great post before I go to bed. xx

  16. Ohhh Jill as others have said your optimisms and fun words are just so fun to read!! I loved this post and I know the feeling of walking into a store and just taking a browse and then trying on something and not wanting to take them off.

    I never try anything on if I don't intend/ or can buy it because then it is just torture haha
    Our shoes should meet soon :)


  17. I bought some heels 3 years ago. I don't know how but I survived the entire night at a party. Then I wore them to a wedding and I spent the whole day in my chair. I couldn't move. I think they'll be more practical if I use them as a paper holder.
    Last year I also bought my first wedges and it's like I discovered something new, a way to look slender without suffering!
    But yours are like the perfect shoes ever.

  18. So glad you bought them. I LOVE them.

  19. Beautiful shoes! That was a great purchase!

  20. Those shoes are to die for!!!!! The sea foam green colour is gorgeous!!!!


  21. just been catching up on everyone's updates from the past week - really don't know what i've been doing! you've done so many posts this week! they were all lovely and so insightful! love your shoes - perfect colour!

  22. I'm new to your blog, but I already love it. I'm not very adventurous with clothing, but maybe I should be? I love these shoes too! xxx

  23. i LOVE this post! could you be any cuter?!
    you won't regret those beautiful shoes...i know you're a careful shopper, discerning even (which is very admirable). i'm glad you bought these wedges- they really are rather "you", in my opinion.

  24. I love the shoes! Have you learned to walk in them yet? I love how you see them as 'portable sculptures'! I really enjoy your blog. It always leaves me smiling!

  25. These wedges are fantastic!

    xoxo Sandra

  26. i love love love that you wore black tights with this. so cute. they really make the shoes pop.


  27. Oh Jill you are tooo cute! You crack me up, I am so glad you got your shoes. They are FAB!! I hope they threw in the matching chair xx

  28. you look amazing! I love the denim shorts!

  29. Oh, gosh, thank you all for your amazing comments. The Shoes thank you, too. Mary Louise: can't take credit for that effect: it's just what I happened to be wearing. But I agree: it's almost a shame it's now warm enough to go bare legged, as I like them with black opaque.

    I also think they're great with a tan, or dark skin. Altho pale skin with a lot of floaty, lacy nudes & pastels would be great, too.

    Damn if only I could get royalties on the sales!!

  30. Hahaha oh this post has made my day :D You're so happy and bubbly it makes this thursday morning even sunnier! Of course, press discount is clearly a magic phrase...to unlock a magic item :P

    p.s. are you going to the debenhams event this afternoon at 7? would be LOVELY to meet you! xxx
