
ah but i was so much older then

First, is it just me who feels sad the World Cup is over? The last time, when Italy beat France, I was IN ITALY, WITH ITALIANS, at the best restaurant, on the lake, watching it on a sheet hung up with a tv somehow projected on it, people jumping during the game, shouting, others shouting at them in Italian to sit down, they're blocking the screen. And when the Head Butt Incident occurred, and they won, I was literally lifted off the ground by the tiny wife of the owner of the restaurant. Fireworks in the town, wonderful chaos.

When England lost to Germany, we were at a ping pong party, sweltering outside and getting knocked out in the first round, during the last two decisive goals.

This time, it was just me, Mr. Dot, and the cat.

Because I'm a woman and can multi task, I was following the game (he said to pick a side, and I chose Spain), while I dug out clothes and started layering things on for a half time photo shoot. I was actually dressed like this for the first half. 'You look like a mad clown', said the Dot Dude. 'You'd really better be ready, because you're getting four minutes for this shoot.'

The reason I did it is I did a post recently ('take a bow') that I'd shot with a timer and a tripod on the roof of my NY apartment, a million years ago. Two shots. And I wanted to show that I can still do splits in the air.

This is the dress I wore for the ping pong party, when I got a heat rash, and afterwards he said 'that dress is so wrong for you.' And it is. I wanted to show it to you to show that a) I can get it so wrong and b) that not every shape is right for every figure. This one doesn't work, I feel, because I don't have an hour glass figure, the waist is too high and exaggerates my torso being proportionately shorter than my legs (at 5' 4", I'm probably average to small height, but my legs are proportionately longer).. and the prevailing reason, the reason I'm now good friends with Louisa, formerly Anonymous, is IT IS TOO CUTE FOR MY AGE.

TOO CUTE. I can't stress that enough.

So I'm gonna give it away. I don't know how I'll manage this as I'm fleeing the country this Wednesday, for a few weeks. But you can start now: if you want it, it's yours. Just tell me in comments that you want it, and why, and we'll take it from there.

It was really hard to narrow down the shots for this post - Mr. Dot just basically shot a ton, like it was movie film, and we were back inside before halftime was over. I'll probably post more another time, as I literally cannot choose. Mr. Dot and I, after Spain won (which immediately turned me into a Holland supporter: I can't bear to see anyone sad), were wishing we were at our favourite holiday spot (one of them), the Hotel Hurricane outside Tarifa, on the coast of Andalusia. To be there, huddled round the one tv in the lobby, when they won.. we were scrutinising the photos because it looks like my leg isn't totally straight, and I was comparing it to my self back then, and we agreed, not bad for an old lady.

You may not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but at least this one can still do her old ones. And the song? I can't do the original, by Bob Dylan, who wrote it (the lyrics are amazing) but the Byrds do a close second:

Dress: Topshop, barely worn. Leggings: American Apparel. Black suede pom pom flats, Topshop, practically vintage at this point.


  1. Hahaha love waking up to your crazy post :)
    I often try and do this same gesture of shoving my foot in one hand and desperately trying to lift it up behind my head. I use to be able too but those days are long ago i think.

    I have a love/ hate relationship with football as I too cannot stand to see grown men crying on a field in short I can't stand it :/ but the atmosphere is fun and in life there will always be losers and winners that is just the way things go i guess.

    Kisses from Brussels

  2. Haha I'm glad that you chose Spain! We won! Yay! We still have to celebrate it!
    I was hoping for a fair play and if that would've happened I may have felt sad for them, but they chose to play dirty and we deserved to win. I would have loved to see them playing well, just like they had been playing the rest of the championship.
    Anyways, just about 6 years ago I was very flexible, and now I can't even touch my feet without bending my legs! I think I'll never be able to do that!


  3. See you still have it, how very agile you are! I would love to say give me the dress, but sadly it wouldn't fit me, but I could nominate two of my daughters - they could share it (so it would benefit 2 people as they wear each others stuff anyway) and it would save me having to buy one, they both love cute white summer dresses (but neither one of them have one) and anything from Topshop.

  4. jill, i love those leggings. they are very cool. i'm so impressed with these photos! you've definitely still got it! love the mirror image ones! they look so trippy. totally get what you mean about the dress. it's nice but just not right. always good when you are able to look at yourself and be honest about how something looks and realize everyone can't/shouldn't wear everything. it's not that you can't/shouldn't actually... it's just that so many other things suit you so much better. good idea for a giveaway! xx

  5. I agree- sooo sad the world cup is over!! Not usually a football fan but have just moved to Marbella, found a little tapas bar and watched the game there last night! The atmosphere was UNREAL and spent the rest of the night dancing in fountains with Spaniards I don't know!! Best night of my life and completely random! I was just looking for food!! Love your shots as always x

  6. Wow I want to be this flexible =P

  7. I also hate the World Cup is over...but as a Brazilian, it's been over for a while now. :D
    Anyway, absolutely love the whole outfit, specially the leggings and, well, the dress...I WANT IT! First, because it's not too cute for me and second because I've always loved white dresses as they very well fit the temperatures here.


    Not many people in the world have a natural ability to do that, and you can do it via the internet! :)

    I'm relatively new to the blogging world, and a relatively new follower to you blog. But thanks for the posts!

  9. i've been reding your blog for a while and i'm one of those that adore your blog but i don't comment because i always happen to read it from my job and after 10 hours working i'm really too exhausted to even turn on my laptop... anyways holidays are coming and that will change...
    well about the dress i love it and since you're giving it away i want it... it's type of dress i've been looking for some time now but didn't have chance to find it... anyways i really don't know what you mean by it's wrong for you in these pictures it really looks lovely on you but you know best what suits you...
    well that's it for now...

  10. the dress IS adorable, but it's the leggings I want. You let me know when you're giving THOSE away.

    Love your cat-like agility. Great pics, polka dot.

  11. I can't believe you can still do that! I have never been able to do the splits (of course I never made it a goal to accomplish either, but flexibility isn't exactly my strong suit lol). It is a lovely dress. I disagree that it's too cute for your age, but agree that it is not right for your body type - or mine as I am more pear shaped. Anyway, great post, it made me smile :)

  12. Aw, bless you all. I wish I had more than one dress.. I suppose cutting it up into little bits of white eyeletness wouldn't work.. please bear with me just trying to get stuff together before I leave, but the beauty of comments is I can go back when there's time and check out your blogs & link you etc.

    Valetina, thank you! Not a paper cup (GREAT NAME btw) welcome to this amazing world. You'll see, there are a lot of amazing people around, you kind of feel your way and stay away from the competitive ones. It takes time - so don't give up, it doesn't happen right away - but if you put yourself out there, and comment, and become part of the right communities, you will get back so much support when you need it.

    YOU - collectively - make me smile. Real friends are important, and the ones we love, and I was cynical at first, all this online virtual shit, but it's real. I don't know how, but it is. I guess because we're also seeing images of each other, that helps.

    Apart from The Photodiarist, of course: she is a woman of mystery. No one knows her face, or even her name. I just call her PD. And she's brilliant.

  13. p.s. same for Pret a Porter P. I know her real name - and her face -and she's beautiful and warm and generous and kind, and her blog is so good and she so makes me laugh.

  14. This is the dress you told me about?! It IS cute on you, in only a good way! Don't give it away! Great photos and, as you know, I always like reading the stories about you and Mr Dot!

    Have a great holiday, Jill, hope to see you soon when you get back xx

  15. the dress doesn't exactly fit your figure but still it really looks cute. I'm a little sad that the World Cup is over. I'm glad Spain won but still I'd have loved to see a few more goals in th game. It sounds really great how you experienced the last final match! You should always know what nation wins and quickly go there to celebrate with them ; )

  16. Ha, Martine, funny you said that because all during the game my husband kept saying 'Can you imagine what it must be like at the Hurricane Hotel now? Can you imagine what they're doing in Seville? What about Barcelona!! We should have gone. But we didn't know in time.' etc etc: you get the picture.

    Jennifer: yes, that's it. The funny thing is, I had a dress just like it, only simpler, and shaped differently, looser and without such a high, short waist, it suited me, and I LOVED it. I had it forever. I'm sure I didn't give it away, so I keep thinking it's moved with me here. I'm kind of obsessed with it, like Lady MacBeth washing her hands, and every once in a while I go thru the same cupboards and drawers in the hope that it will just turn itself in and SHOW UP. Thank you, can't wait to see you again too J. xo

  17. This dress is the perfect spring white dress! I have been on the hunt for ridiculous amounts of time and I have yet to find one as presh as this one. I have an hourglass shape, or i guess if an hourglass and a pear became special friends, and this dress is exactly what I need! Did someone say it is from Topshop?


  18. Actually I don't think it looks cute, it looks edgy with a bit of a surf chic going on. You dressed it so well, you made it work for you. But I totally get that your just not feeling it, sometimes things just are 'you'. So sweet of you to set it free, I think it would be too pretty for me, so good luck to the girl who will embrace it!

  19. Alyssa: yes it's Topshop, this season. I bought it when I was invited to their blogger's press event when they opened the new shop in Knightsbridge, and it was a good price. It might be available now still, either in the shops or online. If I wasn't rushing out, I'd check for you. Are you in the UK?

    Pearl: we so think alike. Actually I meant to save an article for you that I read this weekend - style section maybe? - about Chanel's make up director so getting it about creating nail colours that everyone wants. There's a new colour for this fall - a kind of darker, slightly purply brown version of Partiulaire. I immediately thought of you. If I had your number on my phone, I'd have called you!

  20. these are really cool and uniquely posed images.

  21. Jill, you are one flexible lady... I love you! I don't agree about your 'hourglass' figure, you are so tiny, slim and athletic. You are like a teeny, tiny perfectly formed cat.
    I digress...
    Anyway, my point was, you look amazing, don't give it away my love!


  22. Don't give away the dress... You look lovely wearing it!:D Keep it for you!

  23. amazing leggins! love the outfit:)

    Come follow my blog:


  24. I like the leggings as well. Also..great outfit. Love it

  25. i love reading your stories about world cup memories. and yes i am sad .. god its always the best tme of my life .my biggest dream is to go see a world cup

  26. Good choice Jill! ¡Y viva España! Brazil was out, so I´m very happy for my second country of course :)
    Your outfit seems ... a jazz dancer.
    Ana Madrid
