
fish finger friday

This is my friend, Jennifer, of styleeast. Because she works during the week (at, I might add, a very interesting sounding job, but I'm not telling you what it is), it's taken a while for our plan to shape up. It was a simple plan as plans go: to meet in East London, Spitalfields Market area to be precise, and have lunch at the Luxe, which I photographed for a Chinese magazine last winter (see 'http://streetstylelondon.blogspot.com/2010/01/luke-holly-luxe.html').

Actually the plan was even more specific than that: I told her they have the best Fish Finger Sandwich (that's 'fish sticks', my American friends). In fact it's the only thing I ever order there. So for a few weeks now, Jen's been sending me little hints like FFF (Fish Finger Friday) and last Friday, her first Friday off in a while, it finally came to pass.

And it was a wonderful day indeed.

It's now after midnight and I'm kind of typed out and talked out from a long day - and the whole AnonymousGate thing, and now, I'm going to let the images speak for themselves. It was a lovely day. We talked about all kinds of things, Twilight, and boyfriends.. girl talk. And we decided to do a kind of experiment: share our photos, not check with each other and then post simultaneously, without knowing what the other will say. So tomorrow morning (which is today), at 8:00, posts will appear on both our blogs.

Kind of a Flash Mob, for two. Only different.

I should add, tho, that of course we didn't check with each other as to what we'd be wearing. That was just random. I guess the same thing that makes us want to be friends is the same reason why we both wore turquoise jewelry (okay, how DO you spell that?) or peachy tops.

And altho I brought my faux Chanel vague-coloured turquoise nail varnish with me, I never did get a chance to apply it that day, so I've faked my thumb in photoshop. The one thing I did not 'fix', however, is my veiny hands: they have looked old and gnarled all my life. I've had witches' hands since childhood. Veiny feet, too. It's getting more pronounced each year and I've seen vicious tabloid shots about how people like Madonna can fix everything else but their hands give their age away. Well, sod it, says I! I'm old: it happens. So shoot me.

As for me: this top is quite magic for me: I found it aged 19, left behind on a clothes line in a remote part of Corfu, a youth hostel, with one of my dearest friends in the world, Maryann. It was Greek Easter, and we had had the most amazing experience, and as we left the hostel, someone had left this behind. I've had it all these years.

If all goes to plan, this summer Mr. Dot and I will be visiting her and her husband, Jim, and I'll bring the shirt with me. They are the best couple we know. And they have the best son and daughter, Ben, and Julie, who works @ MTV. They're like the perfect family. And they live in a place called Tranquility. And I'm just rambling now, and this post doesn't do justice to our First Fish Finger Friday, which was absolutely perfect. So you might as well just go visit Jennifer now, as I'm sure she'll say it better, and more succinctly.

Anyway, isn't Jennifer lovely? Everything she's wearing is, no doubt, vintage: she so has her own style. Land Girl Chic, as a colleague dubbed it.

This is yours truly, Polka Dot, signing off. I'll say goodnight now, but when you see this, it will be morning. A new day, a new dawn, and even tho I"ve posted this once already recently, it's worth hearing again! Sing along with Nina:


  1. I just finished commenting on your last post when this one popped up! I think I;ve walked past these markets, and thought they've looked really interesting.. I shall have to go there sometime!
    Love the outfit she is wearing, along with the very bold hair cut. Her shorts look like they are exactly the same style as the ones I posted awhile back (floral shorts) ut with a different pattern. And I like the detail of the tied belt.
    Great pic of you too! I was meaning to say how much I liked your recent post with your outfit, very 'photographer' I have to say!


  2. Flash Blog - success!

    And you used the same title (of course, how could it be anything else?!). I played Blogger Bingo in my post, trying to guess all the things you'd mention, and you did, every last one, apart from pigeons ;)


  3. I posted a comment on this and I don't think it worked! My comments aren't publishing either :(

    It said something along the lines of "Flash Blog - success" and then something about pigeons, but I forget what

  4. sweet post. That sarnie has made me feel hungry! And those printed shorts have made me feel jealous! http://www.blinklondon.com/

  5. Ah! She has the cutest bob/high bob?/ short haircut. It's so neat, but at the same time carefree. I like her shoes :)

    xx Vanessa

  6. This is weird.. I can see comments coming into my inbox, but they're not publishing here. This is just a test. ; )

  7. Ah! It's working now! So I'll manually try to add some of the comments for your viewing pleasure:

    Roz has left a new comment on your post "fish finger friday":

    I just finished commenting on your last post when this one popped up! I think I;ve walked past these markets, and thought they've looked really interesting.. I shall have to go there sometime!
    Love the outfit she is wearing, along with the very bold hair cut. Her shorts look like they are exactly the same style as the ones I posted awhile back (floral shorts) ut with a different pattern. And I like the detail of the tied belt.
    Great pic of you too! I was meaning to say how much I liked your recent post with your outfit, very 'photographer' I have to say!

  8. sweet post. That sarnie has made me feel hungry! And those printed shorts have made me feel jealous! http://www.blinklondon.com/

  9. Ah! She has the cutest bob/high bob?/ short haircut. It's so neat, but at the same time carefree. I like her shoes :)

    xx Vanessa

  10. wow, what a story about your top. you look amazing in it with white shorts and those shoes and jewelry. love Jennifer's outfit and her nails.

  11. Flash Blog - success!

    And you used the same title (of course, how could it be anything else?!). I played Blogger Bingo in my post, trying to guess all the things you'd mention, and you did, every last one, apart from pigeons ;)


  12. I posted a comment on this and I don't think it worked! My comments aren't publishing either :(

    It said something along the lines of "Flash Blog - success" and then something about pigeons, but I forget what

  13. You both look lovely, and what a coincidence that you would wear the same colour combination!
    And that fish finger sandwich looks delicious, making me very hungry as I'm sitting here with not much in and apprehensive about going out as there's a gunman running around in a village close by, eek.


  14. You both look lovely, and what a coincidence that you would wear the same colour combination!
    And that fish finger sandwich looks delicious, making me very hungry as I'm sitting here with not much in and apprehensive about going out as there's a gunman running around in a village close by, eek.


  15. great idea about the simultaneous posts i will make sure to pop over to Jens's.

    i like the last shot of Jen best ahe looks a bit like Uma Thurman. what do you think?

  16. hopefully this times the charm, don't you think that Jen looks a bit like Uma Thurman in the last shot?

  17. i absolutely love this post. you have captured jennifer so well! that last photo of her is totally enchanting. i LOVE those glasses... i must find out what rayban style they are. such a lovely post... this looks like such a perfect day. fish fingers friday is such a good idea! wonderful. am sending good feeling thoughts your way...

  18. love the colors! love london and street style. come follow me http://www.fashioniceice.blogspot.com xoxo

  19. how lovely, she looks gorgeous! you too jill. i should be meeting jen soon :)

  20. haha, your double-fake nail varnish is gorgeous! to be honest: until now i didn't like the colour - no matter if chanel or not-chanel. But on tanned skin, lean hands, and with those accessories it'll look amazing! hope you will find the time to apply it soon! :)

  21. Just stumbled across your blog; I love it!

    Would you be interested in a link swap? Either way I'll be adding you to my blogroll. :)


  22. I love that top, the colour is washed out but still rosey - it looks like an absolute dream on you!

  23. wow, photo shop is amazing! i would never have known that your thumbnail color wasn't real. speaking of which- it looks perfect on you. i do have that chanel color "nouvelle vague" (been collecting chanel varnishes, i'm afraid- rather by accident, til i realized how many i have. they don't seem to go off...)

    love you in peach, too! that was one of my fave colors in the 80s, worn w/ off-white a lot. it was one of my signature colors, and alas, now i realize it's not flattering on my pale skin.

    this is one beautiful photo of you! love it!

    and i agree w/ style crusader: jennifer is enchanting! just look at those eyes.

  24. Mmmm, a fish finger sandwich. Looks amazing. Sounds like you had such a great time and love what you both are wearing. Me and best friend are always turning up in similar outfits!
    Also, I have checked with the photographer and you are very welcome to use a photo but could you please 'copyright to habin kim' and, link also to http://habeeble.blogspot.com/ if you possibly can!
    Thank you Jill
    UO x

  25. Ha, (Adorngirl), yes!! Uma Thurman in a wig, like in that film.. what was that film? With what's his name? Haha, I'm losing my mind.

    Thank you, all, lovely comments. Olivia I've got to run out shortly but wll do it tonight, thanks for the photo credits. Have a lovely day everyone!! xo

  26. she looks lovely! and so do you!
    but i believe that her ring is from somewhere on the high street. might be topshop. I'm pretty sure I saw this ring (or a very very similar one) last weekend. yeah kinda pointless information, but anyway ;)
