
new dawn

So many images, so little time. And sometimes, words are superfluous.

I arrived in Santa Domingo in the middle of the night: 3:44.

This is a quite an extraordinary young man, named Tab (nickname: I can't properly pronounce his name, which is like Tabias). Annie and her husband Tim had met his father first, and become friends. He's lived and gone to school in Michigan, and is back home here, getting his MBA. He had driven two and a half hours from Cabrera in the middle of the night, where he lives and where the house is, to the airport in Santa Domingo. He was waiting, with a sign with my name, got me a perfecto cafe con leche, then took me through.. again, can't find the right words. Paradise. (Perhaps it's because I'm surrounded by Spanish, which is not a language I know well, but I'm starting to think a bit in Spanish, and to zone out, and to use less words... so I start inventing Spanish sounding words out of English, and start channelling my limited French or Italian.)


Anyway, we emerged from this primordial splendour - Tab said they shot Jurassic Park in the Dominican Republic - and he drove onto the sands of a beach. I got out - by this time, it was dawn, and simply walked into the sea.

The house is magnificent, perfect in a wabi sabi way that I feel I am one with the owner, who is also the architect. He took an old house - a big box, as Annie described it - high above the most beautiful sea (the land is on its own peninsula) and carved from it something old, something new, something blue in infinite shades of sand and sky and sea.

The floors throughout the house look like old polished stone, but are actually beautifully painted plaster. And the night watchman, an incredibly kind, dignified man named Ignesio, found a tiny kitten, abandoned way too young and starving, who they've named Nina. She's like a little ET creature, and sleeps on my shirt: the tiniest little spirit, who is inspiring me by her sheer will to survive, her joy in being alive, being rescued.

My mind is slowing down here, and I'm feeling so at one with the world, at peace. I have so many images to share with you, my dear blog friends. I'm finding the colours here inspiring and informing my choice of dress, and expect it will carry me into the autumn and winter. At least, I hope so.

Today's theme is dawn, which is the colours I'm wearing now: mostly white, pastels in shades of palest blue, faded sea foam and mint. The house is beyond perfectly everything I love in a home: I want to live here. The colours of the Dominican Republic change with the moods of the sky and the sea, and everything is beautiful.

My mint tee by American Apparel. Everything else: Mother Nature's Own.


  1. It looks absolutely beautiful

  2. Wow what a beautiful place!

    I don't know what people think about the spanish language, but I suppose it is one of the most difficult languages, with so many verb tenses that even we spaniards don't express right. And when learning a different language the pronunciation is so tough.

    Anyways, glad you're enjoying your holiday! xxx

  3. Santo Domingo is beautiful, you haven't seen anything yet! I'm from Dominican Republic, I hope you enjoy your stay.

  4. I would love to see pictures of that house. The seashore looks beautiful! Let's all go live there one day. Besos.

  5. Hi, Jill:
    So glad you are having a relaxing time in Paradise. Your water photos are lovely.
    Hope Nina continues to thrive.
    You look very happy & at home there! Enjoy.
    Warm wishes,
    Louise aka Anon.

  6. Hey Jill,
    Wow, that most certainly is paradise; complete and utter beauty and serenity. Cannot wait to see the rest of the photos.
    Obviously you are away at the moment, but I was just about to e-mail you about meeting up Thursday 29th, but I do not want you to be thinking about normal, hetic, city things whilst in such a beautiful place.
    So, enjoy paradise and will talk when you return!
    UO x

  7. So nice to see a holiday post. This looks like paradise, I'm so envious! Enjoy every minute of the peace and relaxation (oh and bring the kitty home for me, please!) x

  8. What a FANTASTIC POST. Every photograph is sublime and one that I wish I could take right now! Love!! And the mint tee is really cool, Jill. Love how oversized it is. Waiting for more photographs.

  9. Oh the tropics, I am sooooooooo jealous! Soak it up! Hope your trip stays absolutely divine! Mucho bueno! ;)

  10. Tell Mother Nature she designs very very well. xo. -Bella Q

  11. oh heavenly! when i saw your sea images here, i quickly thought "yep, that's my caribbean." and then it hit me, that's not "my" caribbean anymore- i've left! such a strange sensation...

    you look SO relaxed in your simple tee which seems sunbleached and perfectly scrunched and rolled and damp.

    i'm impressed that you've been able to post this often; i'm borrowing mr odyssey's biz internet card in our motel room, and minding my time on here...i simply can't not visit your blog!

    enjoy every moment of that tropical sea and sun. i know you will! looking forward to more gorgeousness from the DR...


  12. I love it when bloggers go on holiday, as you know you are in for a treat with the posts. the beach picures are stunning, it maks you feel lie you are really there. xx
