
handle with care

While looking for photos of Barcelona, I stumbled upon this shot of my brother, Jon, taken a lifetime ago.

I don't remember why we were in a studio. I think we took it with my camera, on timer. He might be out @ my mom's beach house this weekend, with my BFF and niece, Scarlett. Talk about hotel rooms: he's a musician and spends much of his life on tour, in gorgeous hotels. He's also a great photographer. I wish he could do a book, call it Airports I Have Known (he's been around the world countless times, but mostly sees backstage or is up in the air), but because he works with some pretty high profile people, he respects their privacy. And I respect his.

Looking back at this shot.. I remember that belt so well. The most buttery soft leather, with a silver buckle like a piece of jewelry. It was a real Fendi, that I bought full price with my own money, in the Fendi shop in Florence, or perhaps, Rome. The logo was stamped in the silver. I loved that belt. It's been driving me mad, at times: I can't find it anywhere in London. I know I wouldn't have given it away. I always wonder if it's in that storage unit that was moved to some remote part of England, that we haven't cracked into in 13 years. I wonder if it feels abandoned, sitting there with assorted stuff, day after lonely day. I wonder if it's given up all hope. I hope it knows how much I love it. Someday, I believe in my heart, we will be reunited.


  1. great sash belt. perhaps you can be reunited with it soon. i dislike having stuff in storage. finally for the first time in 12 years, we do not have anything stored!
    i love this pic. brothers are wonderful.

  2. i can't believe that is you! for some reason you look so different in that photo! i think it's the side part. such a good photo and such a good story behind it. you've got to get to the storage unit and save that baby! xx

  3. jill! i'm so sorry, i've been without internet for ages, so good to be back. this is such a lovely photo, got such a vintage-y vibe to it! what a creative family you have :)

  4. No way I didnt recognise you there! I love that outfit I do hope you and the Fendi are reunited too. I hate to think what I have forgotten about in all my boxes and cases I dont have room to open!

  5. jill i love the photo... it's aboslutely amazing...

  6. I love finding old photos and getting that rush of fond memories about the clothes you're wearing in them (even if it was a lurid pink barbie-themed jumper 'n' tracksuit combo that me and my sister wore on every occasion we could. ah childhood). I think it's safe to say that you look much more stylish in your old photos than I do in mine ;)

    Love the belt, it's like a softer & leather version of a samurai obi! Very unique. They don't make em like they used to!

    I've been a big fan of your blog for ages and it's always lovely to see the face behind those lovely, candid street style photos. Will you be popping by Susie Bubble's yard sale tomorrow (Sunday)? I'll be there as one of the sellers :)


  7. Go and search it! It doesn't deserve to stay there alone!:P

  8. Oh, how come you haven't opened this storage unit for so long! You should definitely go and take a look at what's inside! I'm sure you'll find lots of forgotten treasures in there, even your lovely belt.

  9. Hi Jill! I know I'm probably seeing you later, but catching up on days worth of posts. I love this picture of you and your brother. You both look so effortlessly cool.


  10. This is such a sweet shot! I really love the belt, hope you find it again, i hate that feeling of having no idea where something is but knowing you never threw it away- i get it all the time! still on the hunt for 2 skirts and some wide legged trousers after 2 years... one day they'll turn up (and probably won't fit anymore!) xxxx

  11. Oh you are all so sweet! The reason we haven't entered that treasure chest is, mostly we're lazy, but also, we've been paying all these years for a place that was in the countryside near the in-laws, and a few years ago, we discovered they'd moved it somewhere else. Somewhere really far away - north England somewhere. We keep meaning to go.. meanwhile I dread to think what's in there and what's happened to it: moths, etc.

    Thank you, each of you, and geisharocks, I'm sorry - I didn't end up going after all. (That's why I didn't see you, Saskia). It's such a stupid story - it will be a post, I'm sure - and I feel terrible that I let Shini down, because we were going to give her a ride over early. We were doing a favour for a friend.. oh, again, it's too hard to explain in a comment. It's just so frustrating. Hope you all enjoyed it & got some good treasures. I wonder if that's where the belt will turn up!
