
jenny jen, in the zone

Or, JJ, my friend. Jenny Jen, who is so much younger than me, and yet, oh so wise. She got the name cause she calls me Jilly Jill.

Jenny Jen, aka the Style Crusader, is one person who is not lounging round a pool at the moment, sipping pink drinks. She is working on her Dissertation, and she (& her husband, Dr. Crusader), can't go anywhere til she's done.

She's just finished part one. Please click here for her blog and wish her congratulations from me. I know she told me where she got the clothes in this shot but it was in July and I'm totally blanking. There's more to this story but I'll save it for the morning.

Stay in the Zone, JJ! You're nearly there!! xo


  1. looking pretty just as usual!

  2. Beautiful. She's so great. Good luck Jen! x

  3. Good luck Jen! And cute shots Jill. If I recall (from e-stalking her blog), they clothes are from Monki? I know it's something to do with her stupidly good Sweden-induced tan.

    Miss B xx


  4. jill! this is so insanely sweet of you. thank you so much for the encouraging words! thanks everyone else for the encouraging words too. i really appreciate it! p.s. incase anyone is wondering: grey vest - AA, skirt, orange bandeau & fringed bracelet - Monki (swedish shop), sandals - Topshop, and bag - One Language. p.s. i have no idea why i was holding my mouth in such a pursed way? xx

  5. MONKI!! That's it. I'm pretty sure you're right. She gave me a really sweet orange strapless top (you can see hers peeking out) and I think that's the brand. Will add it to the post. Thank you Miss B! ; ) x

    Jen, Maya, thank you on Jen's behalf.

  6. I can't write on her blog, so I'll wish her congrats on here! Well done Jen!!!

    I think I've seen that pop of tangerine on her blog before, she has such a fresh sense of colour!


  7. Ha, that's funny, I was replying to Miss B while you (Jen's) comment came in. Thank you for sourcing, will add it.

    I think I know why you were pursing your lips like that: I was taking extra time to move you around - bit to the left, no the right - to get the reflection right. Meanwhile - note the tube pass - you were missing the damn train. So the face was just you trying not to say 'Oh Jill just take the freakin' shot'.
    Hi Saskia! Why can't you write on her blog? I agree, exactly, it is a fresh sense of colour she's got! (and why am I writing like Dr. Suess? Time so shut down, me thinks).

    Night night all. xo

  8. I love Jen and I love that skirt.

    I also adore your last patterned dress + ankle socks outfit ;-)

    Hope you are well my love.

