
in memory

They were snatched from us all too soon, but they lived well. And they live on in our memory, and they live on, in you.

Like generations before us, let us come forth today, as all days, to affirm life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Today, as in all days, we choose to stay true to our beliefs... this is how we will prevail in this great test of our time. This is how we will preserve and protect the country that we love, and pass it on to future generations.

May God bless you and your families, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.

- President Barack Obama, 9:40 9.11.10

We honour them in our hearts, and we honour them with our lives.


  1. Beautiful words. I hope in honoring this tragic event, we Americans remember to remain united and not divided.

  2. Me, too, CR. Me, too. Thank you.

  3. Dear Jill:
    Thank you for your recent postings. They have been very beautiful. Today's posting touched me deeply. Not only in it's rememberance of those who died on 9/11. My mother passed away this morning - after rapid decline over the last month. She had a peaceful death as I rubbed her shoulders.

    Louise aka Anon.

  4. Yes, we would definitely have to hang out!! :)


  5. God bless the victims and their families in 9/11. A sad day in history.


  6. Oh, Louise, I am so sorry. I will write to you privately, soon. Thank you for sharing that with me. My heart goes out to you. What more beautiful way to leave this world though.

    Thank you, Erica, Saskia.
