
let's play.. spot the celebrity!

It was such a fun game last time, so here goes: how many can you name in one row? Shot at the Mark Fast show: after all the hoo-hah last February about plus sized models, staff storming out, it was interesting to see this show (which I loved, btw) that he only had one 'curvy' girl, but she was gorgeous: very Mad Men with red hair in a turquoise dress.

Can you spot which yummy celebrity mum is in this shot, below? (hint: I've featured her daughter on my blog once already. Oh and she's got a really cool job).

But some, like this girl, I felt was too thin: that is not a good message to send out in terms of what is beautiful. Anyone recognise the style icon in the audience? Hint: initials KL.

There's a story behind Carine sitting on the end of this row (there's always a story!). That will be my next post.

Actually.. I'm really torn. I've got tons of model shots, catwalk shots, celebs, stylish civilians.. it's really hard to choose what to post. Some blog friends have said they're afraid to keep posting London Fashion Week shots after a few weeks - as if, like wearing white after Labour Day, it's a big fashion faux pas. But I don't want to cram a ton of posts into one day.. you tell me. What do you want? We aim to please here at Polka Dot Inc.

So.. your thoughts on Mark Fast's collection this season. Fingers on buzzers please.


  1. Keep 'em coming!! I'm loving them :) And chuck a few more in a day - it keeps me going at work when I need a distraction! :)

  2. That girl was way too thin, and the 'curvy' girl was well what I'd consider normal!

    Thanks for sharing! I tried to spot a celebrity but I couldn't!

  3. i can't name any this time, i'm not amazing at this game. i just think, post them, i wouldn't think anything of it, as long as theyre interesting

  4. you can always load the pics onto flickr and link the whole set to a post. that way peeps who want to see alllll the photos (like me) can peruse at their leisure, and you can keep posting away at your next thing, which you have, cuz you always do.

  5. I completely don't mind having London fashion week posts weeks after its finished, I just love the posts and pics!!
    I agree, that girl was too skinny and the "curvy" girl was hardly curvy, just normal.
    Love your blog,

  6. I do not know at all! To be honest, I like Mark Fast's clothes a lot better on "curvier" girls than stick thin girls.


  7. this is fun, jill. i see carine roitfeld and kate lanphear.
    posts...maybe a couple per day if you have time? but seriously, i see nothing wrong w/ posting LFW for weeks after the shows. i mean we're talking about spring 2011 fashions, which we won't even be seeing in ads or stores for months! so post away...for weeks if you want! i'm enjoying it.
    (and..got your email, will reply! been out all day...again!)

  8. I love that first image! - Rembrandt light. One of your best. Thanks.

  9. I am looking forward to the Carine story - please divulge, that woman rocks!

  10. is there Mary kate olson (maybe don't write names right, sorry)? and again Julia restoin (again probably wrong spelling)? and someone looking like Rihanna?
    And I like how skinny girls look. They are so ephemer.
    And please, post your photos. Maybe just 1-2 from the show itself - finally those are available often on the brand page, but more of public, models outside, stylish people around. That is also inspirational.

  11. keep the posts coming you have a way of writing that will always make it interesting.

    what us bloggers are worried aout is the fast turnover of fashion if we are still talking about LFW even a few weks after the event its like we're worried about no one being interested and thinking about reading about the other fashion weeks.

    I definitely agree about not cramming it all in to one post though(unless roundup which I will be doing soon) there were too many great shows to talk about. xx

  12. I love Lola Lennox she´s there, so gorgeous!!

  13. does anyone know the name of the girl in the sunnies?? tia xxxxx
