
oh so frou frou

This is the gorgeous Nadia, aka Frou Frou: LFW, Day 1. I must say I'm getting a bit annoyed that I"ll talk to a friend, pose her against the background I CHOOSE, then other bloggers start jumping on the shot. So apart from on Imogen's own blog, I expect you'll see similar shots - Frou Frou, too - on other blogs. Ah, well, what can ya do: such is life.

So much to say, so much to show you, so little time.

In the sunshine yesterday, the prevailing back to school themes, as epitomised best on Nadia, were the easing out of the black leather/grey thing, more into the beiges and browns: still crisply accentuated with black. And surprising pops of hot pink (frankly, I was expecting more of the camel/red thing, but I prefer camel with pink: that's just me).

Off back to the bun fight that is fashion week: I feel like I'm a tree falling in a forest, posting, as it doesn't feel like anyone's home on this glorious day, reading blogs. But no matter, that's the beauty of photography: it last forever. I'm basically a squirrel right now, gathering nuts to store for the winter.

Off I go, back to The House. Somerset, that is.


  1. Nadia looks gorgeous as always! Loving the long shirt and hat!

    She does that mid calf length oh so well.

  2. I love this outfit so much. Those trousers plus those ankle boots... ahh love it! Have fun! xxx

  3. I know (pret): I thought of you. It's so 'pret'. Just thought of you> Mr. D said they closed the Liberace Museum!! We've just been talking about it and now I'm late

    Thanks Clara! Thanks Carrott!! xx

    (me btw)

  4. Cool hat! Looking forward to the nutty goodness over the coming weeks!

  5. Don't worry I am home! She looks fab! Enjoy LFW!

  6. btw, i actually LOVE camel/red and camel/pink both!

  7. Very chic, and bravo for pulling off those pants and boots! I was wondering how many pesky bloggers would be there after their bad press last season. So so sad I cant make it after getting all excited :-( looking forwards to your posts xx

  8. nadia is a breath of fresh air, visually speaking...if that makes sense! i'm really into the outfit she's wearing. nice shots! i'm not familiar with her, so will pop over to her blog in a moment...
    bummer to hear others are jumping in there. that would annoy me also. i guess that happens a lot at fashion week in particular.

  9. i saw that case a lot at lfw. people stealing other people's shots. i dont get how people can do that- at all.. but then some people at lfw are mean. i got two girls next to me at t8t - who i overheard wanted to push me down the stairs.. dont get some people's problems.. love your lfw coverage btw.

