
to everything

Letting go of summer.. not easy for me, and especially Summer of 2010: you were a beauty. August was the hottest month at on Long Island in many years, and the coldest in the UK for almost two decades. We make our plans, and Mother Nature has other plans for us. Today we were going to go swimming again, instead, we're going to go on an adventure somewhere in London.

Shot by Mr. Dot at my parents' beach, North Fork, in August. Sheer tee, American Apparel. Slip: I bought it so long ago, I have no idea where or when. Underwear as outerwear: my one accomplishment in life, I coined the phrase. Or so I think. Who knows. Does it really matter, anyway?

All we really have, after all, is today. Hope yours is magic.


  1. lovely, serene photos, Jill. you match your surroundings! these pics brightened my sunday morning. xo

  2. Haha, I don't think underwear as outerwear is your ONLY accomplishment in life Jill!

    These photos are just lovely pastel wonderfulness.


  3. Beautiful photos, I love the whole colour palette. And the slip is gorgeous with the t-shirt! Greetings from sunny Scotland by the way, the sun has shone all week, which I never expected! x

  4. Underwear as outerwear looks wonderful on you - and I'm so glad I wasn't here most of August! But now... Turn, turn.

  5. the colours in these pictures are so gorgeous! x

  6. jill these photos are magical. i love them. the colours and setting and quintessentially you. xx

  7. Lovely colours in the outfit, very sea!

  8. you can definitely claim that saying as yours! lovely shots x

  9. Ah, the colours here are so soothing and calm. And can you please tell me the secrets of your amazing body?! Your legs always look incredible but they look particularly smooth and silky in these ones. God, do i sound like a complete perv? Ah who cares, women should be able to admire other women without feeling weird about it! x

  10. Ah, bless, Clazz. That's really sweet and I know what you mean. I read somewhere that women might say and even believe that they're dressing for men - or to attract men - but the reality is, it's usually other women who care about that stuff and notice.

    Talk about weird: since I started this blog, I literally walk down the street checking out pretty girls! I've been known to kind of stalk them in crowds - kind of run after & try to catch them.. how perv is that. And Mr. Dot is hilarious about it: he'll see someone and say 'you should shoot her' and I'll be like, no, she's got no style at all, she's just pretty and we'll be having these ridiculous debates about 'what about her?' 'no, she's all wrong' - what must people think! Even weirder: he loves to spot other MEN.

    Which come to think of it makes sense. I bet men - straight men as well as gay - really dress for other men, too.

    Anyway, no secrets. Swimming for me makes all the difference. But I discovered this year that I have cellulite. It was a real shock as I just assumed I wouldn't cross that line but my body tone has suddenly changed. Sitting down, bare legged, my thighs are cottage cheese. Mr. D doesn't see it and think's I'm mad but it really made me sad for a while. It's just one more line I've crossed in the ageing process, so seeing that today really made my day.

    Thank you danniekate, Pearl, all. xo
