
viva vidal: elvira & maddy @ the v&a

It's hard to imagine, on this cold wet grey Wednesday London day, that last Friday was gloriously sunny. I found some time to go alone to one of my favourite outdoor spots in town (I have several), the V&A courtyard, to read and write and take photos. I met Elvira, left, and Maddy, right.

The first thing I asked - the only thing, really - was where they got their haircuts. Maddy got hers at Viva Soho. She's wearing exactly the colours I'm loving right now: plum and navy. It was the perfect thing for the weather that day: summery but with an eye toward autumn's colours.

Elvira's was from Vidal Sassoon, and she said it was one of those student experimental things. Whoever that student is, someone should hire them ASAP, as it's a brilliant cut. I also love the simplicity of how she's dressed: the pale blue top we used to call a 'work shirt', and those great high waist jeans.

They each strike me as having true style: they are not trying to fit their beauty into anyone else's ideal of perfection. They seem to be wearing no make up. They look healthy and happy in their skin. I'm pretty sure I've got their names mixed up but I've switched them a few times now and have a 50/50 chance of getting it right. I gave them my card so who knows, maybe I'll hear from them again.

I hope so. They just seemed to have such an easy friendship, and effortless style. No idea what they do, or if they're in school, or anything more about them, apart from that they just seem really nice, and I wish them well.

OH! btw: tonight. Vogue's Fashion NIght Out. I'm going, are you? xo


  1. beautiful photographs, jill! they both look so effortlessly stylish, their haircuts are fabulous and i adore maddy's satchel! thank-you for your lovely email, sorry i haven't yet replied. xx

  2. no rush, sweet pea, i know you're busy xx

  3. I LOVE THESE PHOTOS! Major hair envy, satchel envy, jeans envy. What fabulous photos, Jill, great spot.

    I WISH I was going to Vogue's night out! Have fun xx

  4. Ahhhh, these are my favourite street style photos yet! Even though they're outfits are so simple, they're brilliant - the slightly boyish shirt with high waisted trousers is an outfit I've always loved and the material of that rum coloured dress is beautiful.


  5. Cool girls and great images as always! I love their cuts and fringe is so cool, people with no waves are lucky, yes you are! If I cut my hair like this I would look like a poodle....xx

  6. Beautiful girls in great outfits - just wandering around London. Wow!

  7. maddy's color is striking on her. i love those cuts. i miss my sassoon stylist! (no sassoon salon around these parts. i have found a great salon, though.)
    navy and plum for fall...this combo would be great on you, Jill. i look forward to seeing what you come up with. for me, it's be more black, gray, the usual...with occasion pops of color.

  8. sorry, typo- i meant "for me, it's going to be more black, gray, the usual..." xo

  9. hey Jill...i lovee ur blog! what struck me in the first picture is how contrasting their outfits are...as in how they are masculine n feminine put together! n yea...i can't wait to go to the Vogue fashion night out...here in india this friday!! hope u have fun there :)

  10. love the looks!
    interesting blog!

    come by

  11. the first thing that caught my attention was their hair too! that is so funny. i do love both of their outfits though. they look seriously great. it's coming up to hair cutting time soon i think... it's been how long now? at least 7 months! hope vogue's fashion night out was great! can't wait to hear more about it. xx

  12. jj: saving my haircut for when you're free. well, that's my excuse at least. mine is looking reeaalllly ragged, i'm telling myself it's a deliberate look ; )

    thanks all - on their behalf (haven't heard from either girl yet). my fashion file: they're having one in india?! am i understanding that correctly? if so please take photos - send to me @ jill@haybooks.com - maybe i could do a little post on it? thanks!

    will check out your blogs soon as i have a free minute. thanks for visiting! xox

  13. This girls are super cool!! You're right, they seem to have an efortless style. Cool haircuts also!:)

  14. Hey Jill..yes u are right...we do have vogue fashion night out in new delhi, india this friday!

  15. i too love their haircuts.. and (just now) i too have decided i love plum and navy :)

  16. aw they both look really cut just sitting there. they both have really nice looks and super nice hair.
