
don't you know who i am

On Day Two of LFW, I was running to the loo, camera in hand, when I saw a nice shot of a girl sitting (crossed legged, actually) with two older women. I was about to take it - just off the cuff - when the more Alpha Female of the group moved ever so slightly to block the shot.

That caught my attention. It was so subtle, but didn't seem like an accident. So I asked the girl, politely, if I could take her photo. Alpha Female said she'd rather not. It all seemed a bit.. weird. Alpha Female didn't seem like her mum - she just didn't seem a mumsy type - and I realised the girl must be a model. But models, even big models, don't normally have minders. I mean, sometimes they do, but normally they're just running - late for something - alone or with other model friends.

Sorry, said I. I didn't mean to.. 'It's just, her hair, you see.' (No, actually, I didn't. And besides, like I started out saying, I REALLY HAD TO GET TO THE LOO.)

But the girl took charge of the situation and smiled at me and said, it's fine. I guess there was nothing Alpha Female could do about it, apart from smash my camera. So I took two quick shots and as I was running off (crossed legged, I might add) I asked her name. Alpha Female glared at me with a look that clearly said 'You idiot, you want to take her photo and YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO SHE IS?

The girl herself told me her name. Just a first name. That clearly was enough to go on. I must have written it down somewhere because a day or so later I did google 'model, famous. Xxxxxx', and turns out she is hugely famous. But now I can't for the life of me remember who she is.

Help! SOMEONE out there must know. Anonymous? I'm counting on You.

. . . .

NOT BAD: less than half an hour later, thank you AG! It's Imogen Morris Clarke, model and 'IT girl of the moment'. Now it's all coming back. And she's absolutely lovely, I might add. Deserving of any success that rolls her way.

Hope success is rolling your way today, too, Dudettes.


  1. Imogen Morris Clarke, to be precise...

  2. Haha - never heard of her either, so you are not alone!!! ;-) x

  3. I thought she was the girl from harry potter! Oh well! She is very pretty and I love a bit of hair crimping xx

  4. wow, what a lovely story . . . : ))

  5. i still haven't a clue, even though her name's been written in the comments now. i'll have to google...
    cool story; goes with her amazing hair. :)

  6. 'Model famous xxxx'??? You crack me up, Jill! I've never heard of her either, but she looks SO lovely. And 'Status: Rising Star'... wuhuu!
    When will we finally have a drink together to exchange funny stories about Alpha males and females?!?! xo

  7. I love her hair, never heard of her though.

  8. she is crazy beautiful. absolutely adore the tim walker for italian vogue editorial that she was in. gorrrgeous. always love your hilarious stories behind the photos! xx

  9. Jill- I had know clue as to who she was either- until the postings... still don't know what she is known for.
    I see why she captured your attention. Funny story behind the photo.

  10. My hair looks like that when I get up in the morning, sadly I just look like a witch!

  11. Love her shoes


  12. i am totally enjoying this story ... personally, i am so bad with names that it's quite embarrassing! thanks for internet, now, there are more ways to find out, haha!

    btw: i want to know if you can support my designs on talenthouse.com for nine west creative invite by voting via your facebook?
    here is link to my post with details, thanks a bunch in advance, xx


  13. wow, love the hair- so cute! :)

  14. i loved this post. LOL at alpha female! imogen looks lovely, i cant believe she's only 18 <3

  15. 21st Century fame is a funny thing. I don't know the majority of famous people now-a-days. And it clearly rankles some people. But really, how famous is famous if we don't know who they are.

    She is is beaute, however, and deserves to be googled.

  16. AAAGGGHHH shes my favourite model! I love her! And its so weird, i first saw her last season if not a year ago when i was working at Paul Smith and i knew there was something about her id never forget - she just has such an aora!
    In fact i posted about her before!

  17. we have the same birthday :). okay. i love her. hahaha

  18. That's so funny Lucy, anyone reading this, read Lucy's shiny thoughts post, it's brilliant. Thanks each of you for commenting, I love your comments!!
