
laura, in faster by fast (or, the case of the goody bag disaster)

I met Laura on Day Two, asked to take her photo, took her details.. she's really nice, turns out she works for Mark Fast and is wearing an all-in-one by him called 'Faster'. A few days later, having been backstage at.. I forget which show now, I went to the backstage door before the Mark Fast show and who should I see but my new friend Laura! But she couldn't let me in, I had to ask someone else, I wasn't on the list... I'm realising now that each show is different, and it's really the luck of the draw. That's okay: I had my one quick backstage experience (and it was fun) but I know how intense it is before shows and they just can't let everyone in.

What really touched me tho was how she (Laura) apologised after - even tho I totally understood. She said she was - and I quote: "in the middle of a goody bag disaster (which got sorted in the end!)." Now THAT's a story I'd like to hear.

p.s. Just heard from Laura - in Paris. She's also got her own fashion blog, called Clotheshound, check it out, it's really well designed, great logo, looks more professional than a lot of the magazine and brand blogs. Check out her 'about' page: she said that one day she'll edit Vogue and that she always thanks the bus driver. I believe her about the first, and I bet it's cause of things like the second. Good manners do count, as she's shown me in the short time we've met.


  1. Knew that unitard looks mark fast-ish. It looks amazing though. You could easily think it should be reserved for runway/stage but I'm lovin it worn this way.

  2. ohhh that first shot of her is incredible! that outfit is crazy fierce. she looks great. xx

  3. WOW, that is really special outfit!

  4. she can certainly get away with such a difficult to wear outfit. but...those unitards...all i can think is what a pain it would be going to the loo!

  5. Woo wee! I never thought I'd see the day the Mark Fast leotards were worn on the street, but it works! I guess you gotta have the confidence (and the body!)


  6. She is so great...love the look and the way she's pulling off the bodysuit. I photographed her and her friend who also works for Mark Fast but haven't posted it yet. I wonder if it's a rule that you have to look this good in his clothes! x
    ps- FFF email coming up asap!

  7. I agree with Jen -- the first shot is insane. Really good, Jill.
