
trick, or treat

Real photos: Marylebone, top, and me @ LFW by Jennifer of Style East. (Dress, my mom's, polka dot gloves, gift from the Original Dot, my sweet friend Lisa in NY, old brogues, Barney's NY, socks, God knows).

It's grey and rainy here in London, Mr. Dot & I are off to Arup's great yoga class, more posts to come. Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday to Maryann, in Tranquililty, N.J., one of my best friends in the whole wide world.


  1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment Jill. I wanted to do the scissors for Roz but was in Scotland without a camera (and with only my mum's scissors!), but I wanted to do something, her story has really affected me, and so many other people.

    I loved this outfit I shot you in at LFW, it was just perfect, with the gloves and socks - it's always the details that make the outfit I think. We really must make a plan to meet soon - let me know if any of the days in my email are good for you. Have a great day, Happy Halloween! xx

  2. I like the gloves !! Nice blog by the way ... :)

  3. Ahhhh that photo is so freaky!!

  4. Whoa. haha flexible.
    I laughed at the builder man leaning over with an overly perky bum. XD

  5. What a gorgeous dress - love it paired with the sensible shoes x

  6. just seeing this and HAD to comment. the dress is heavenly!! i had a similar dress (well, similar print) of my mom's but in my late teens, i got a wild hair to make a top and skirt out of it- that was the end of that lovely dress.
    WHERE did you get those brogues? are they men's or women's? i've been hunting all over for a pair and so far, nothing that fits or suits.
    and how on earth do you get mr. dot to attend yoga with you?? is it the simple fact that he enjoys it? or did you have to twist his arm? i've been trying to get mr odyssey to yoga for ages...so far, nothing.
    so cute that you wore brogues with such a lady-like dress...here we go with the femme/masculine contrasting stuff that we've been talking about. *love* it.
