
carine: support

Hi Mom! If you're reading this I bet you're thinking 'why did she post such blurry shots?'

Actually, I know it's not 'if'. You are. I know you are, because that's one of the many ways you show your support. You show up, on my blog, every day. Even if you don't comment, I know you're there (sometimes - if I don't get in touch, you know where I am from my posts).

Just like you go to my brother's shows even tho massive rock concerts aren't normally your thing. You support us because we're still your children, no matter how old we get.

Same goes, I'm sure, for Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld, who, along with Andy Valmorbida (in collaboration with Giorgio Armani), has curated the most fabulous exhibition of the artist Richard Hambleton's paintings at The Dairy, on Wakefield Street. I went to the launch last night and it was absolutely wonderful in every way.

This wasn't even going to be the first post I did, but something about the way Carine, Vladimir's mother, shows up for his events that really touches me. I've met her daughter, Julia, but have not yet met her mom. Had I interrupted her conversation, I bet she'd have been perfectly polite and even friendly to me. But so far, I've kept my distance. My way of showing my respect: she was clearly enjoying her conversation, she didn't need yet another ambitious social climber taking up her time.

I chose the top shot - the blurry one - because the only thing in focus is her small diamond earring: a cross. Knowing that she is French, I believe that this is more than fashion, and I admire that. I loved what she wore: a long black maxi dress and some kind of fabulously home made looking brown knit cropped jumper/shawl, which had the effect of being an elegant fur stole.

Bet she's so proud of her son (as well as her daughter). Everything about the night was just so fabulous. I've got more posts coming up, been going thru shots all morning, but I just had to start with Vladimir's mum, because without her (and his dad of course), this event couldn't have conceived in the first place.

Thank you to Karmen of Armani, for inviting me.


  1. I can see the resemblance in mom and her daughter. Both so beautiful.

  2. How funny, Jill, you are meeting the whole Roitfeld family; I think I would be mega excited just to be in her vicinity.

  3. Yeah, it's... weird. And they're all so talented, and nice! I think I'm becoming a bit... fan-like. Fawn-like. I'm not really a fan of anyone, so this is a new, but not unpleasant, feeling.

    Can one be a fan of a whole family? Like a fanily?
