
dutch masters

One of the lovely press events I went to this week was Jaeger, and there's more that I saw that I want to show you but this post is focused on a specific detached HOOD that I loved from the catwalk show in September. It was great to see and touch the actual stuff, and besides obviously the black, cream and camel tones that are so classic and to me, so iconically Jaeger, what I especially loved was the colours that had so inspired me this summer in the Dominican Republic ('let's do lunch') which they got so perfectly, I felt ('jaeger sings the blues'). Mustards, navy, purples, forest green, bit of jewel like ruby.. Kit got it so right yesterday (photos coming, haven't uploaded yet, lazy cow, which is because...)

Yesterday I was the only one of us not wearing a hoodie or a snood. This is a case where FASHION DOES MATTER because I popped out in my leopard coat, gloves, got everything right except the weather report. It rained. I thought I wasn't chilled but woke with that same damn sore throat. Drinking copious amounts of my homemade remedy of sliced fresh ginger root steeped in boiling water with lemon and honey.

Which leads me to the purpose of this post: at Jaeger's press day, looked around for The Hood I loved and couldn't find it. Asked Tomasina, in the Buying Department (great job or WHAT!) and she said they're only selling six this season. Six? As in less than seven, more than five? WHY??? Anyway she went and found me one and I made her pose next to the catwalk shot and doesn't she look like that Dutch painting? The Girl with the Pearl Earring?

Sabine asked a great post recently, The Cinderella Complex, which pair of shoes you'd marry. I could never commit to one pair of shoes. BUT, I'd marry this hoodie, if it would have me. (Since there are only six, my chances are slim). It's cute, flexible, durable, soft yet strong, reliable, dependable, and it would keep me safe, warm, and healthy. I could travel with it, in fact I could take it anywhere: it would be there when I needed it, yet seems really low maintenance. And, I assume, it's not cheap. Yet it's certainly cheerful. What more could one ask in a husband?


  1. I love the idea of the hoodie, but in that last photo on the runway, it looks a bit like a yellow submarine . . . :-)

  2. Thanks for your comment, PD. Last night I was wondering why no one commented on this post (but they did on earlier ones) - was wondering if there was something wrong with my settings, but now you've explained: people don't like the hood! Maybe that's why they only made six of them.

    I love the way bloggers are so polite: they only speak if they have something nice to say. There's my answer! Good thing I'm not a fashion editor.

  3. THAT is a great hood, Jill. Friendly, cheerful and functionable - just like a good husband!
