
the invisible man

One thing I've noticed at these kind of high octane super stylish exclusive art launches: it seems no one bothers to notice the art. Or the staff.

While everyone was busy watching Lara Stone and David Walliams, (who, altho in the same room as me at the same time, I did not notice), I shot these concurrently, a few seconds apart, at the Armani sponsored, Vladimir and Andy curated, Brambleton art launch at the Dairy, Thursday night.

I am constantly fascinated how many parallel worlds can exist at once. I guess I'm just not interested in the same things as most people: or perhaps I just don't get it.


  1. lovely words and so very true. i suppose you need to go at another time when the hype and excitement over the launch have died away to really appreciate the art on display. xx

  2. I love the juxtaposition of these two photographs... and that's so true! I don't get to fashion openings, I'm in the theatre industry, not the fashion one, but every time I go to something big and fancy, I definitely often ignore the staff and the art. Next time I'll make sure to look!

    Please, stop by sometime!


  3. Or perhaps you just can appreciate things in addition to or instead of the obvious - not a bad quality to have at all, depending on how you look at it. :)

  4. Very well said! It always appauls me how people never say thank you to the waiters or even bother to speak to sales assistants, to some they are quite invisible.

  5. True on many levels. I always make certain that I notice the staff and treat them nicely. They often look more fashionable and groomed than the guests. Besides if I go to an art exhibition, opening or not, I'm there for the art and look at it.

    However, I sometimes feel that I don't understand art anymore (maybe I never have?). Especially when it comes to photography and painting. There seems to be a rule now to shock the audience or make it recoil and not make something beautiful! When it comes to photography it's as if at the moment it has to be ugly light, cold colors and out of focus, plus the shocking.

    I don't like this. If I want ugly and recoiling I just have to watch the news, I don't need to got to art exhibitions for it!

  6. Jill, this may just be the most favorite post of yours (I have several favs but this one just did it for me).
    That's why I like you and appreciate you - you see and feel the invisible.

  7. This is a really interesting concept, you could make a really interesting series of this sort of thing. going to a place and looking not at its intention but at the rest, if that makes sense? i hope so see more and this will make me take the time out to do this too

  8. i love this post because this rings very true to me: i used to waitress for these kinds of events when i was living in london and ever since gaining that experience, i have always taken notice of waiters/bartenders/baristas whenever i'm out at restaurants or cafes. i can relate to them very well, and they are often seen as invisible. it was a very nice experience, and you gain a different perspective whenever you're at these kinds of events. lovely post! :)
