
pandemonium ensued

First off: I didn't take these photos. I was not there.

Hang on, I should back up to where the story started, in 1988.

At the age of 14, a girl from Croydon named Kate Moss was discovered at JFK airport by Sarah Doukas, head of Storm, the model agency. Two years later, the brilliant photographer, late Corinne Day, who tragically died last year, took the most beautiful photos of her, and a star was born.

How random is this: when I started doing street style photography, started my blog, the spring before last, I spotted and dotted a cute, petite blonde in Primrose Hill, and I never do this, but I asked what she did for work. She said she did PR for Topshop. I laughed. While I have in general - as most of us bloggers do - a kind of love/hate relationship with the idea of PR, Liz is just so gosh darn nice, and usually I'll go to an event and have a great time & take pictures and hey, why not. I only 'promote' what I like. I don't get paid, I don't even get free stuff. But the beauty, for me, is it is my blog and I can say whatever I like.

Tonight, she had invited me to Oxford Street to see Kate Moss launch her last collection for Topshop, but I stayed home with the cat and Mr. Dot, to watch the 2nd to last night of Professional Masterchef. And I never do this - I really tear into PR people who send me shots by other photographers of parties I didn't attend - but there was something kind of 'hot off the press' about these shots Liz just sent me, by a photographer I don't know, of a woman I don't know either.

To quote the press release: "Pandemonium ensued as the queue for those waiting to catch a glimpse of Kate and shop the collection snaked all the way around the store. At 7.00pm Kate arrived with Sir Philip and Chloe Green, posing for the cameras and the customers, and the barriers were lifted to allow a shopping frenzy to commence. Customers were buying armfuls of pieces.. Kate wore a one-off jumpsuit in black lurex with art deco tulip detailing on the neckline, custom made by Topshop. One lucky Kate fan will have the chance to win the outfit (go to the Topshop blog to enter)..."

Of the ten shots I received, I chose these two: when shooting in this kind of madness, it's impossible to control the background, but I like these compositions. Although Kate chose only two photographers to shoot her, clearly that restriction was out of control as well: EVERYONE was playing photographer tonight.

Ah, the crazy cult of celebrity. Because, after all, when all is said and done, Kate Moss really is just a normal, nice girl from Croydon with an innate, natural, uncanny sense of her own style. That said, I do think this is the best I've seen her in a long time: pale blonde hair, long fringe, red lips. Glamour with a capital G.

And so, Miss Moss and Sir Green are thus parted, on the friendliest of terms. And everyone lives happily ever after.


  1. I never knew that's how you met Liz! I never met her but she seems like a wonderful person, and I totally get it when you say the person makes all the difference in PR, not necessarily the material.

    Can't imagine being down there in that crowd though, I was in IKEA and enjoying 'Swedish' meatballs...I remember the first Kate Moss season when she appeared in the Window, the crowd in the street was CRAZY. Good start, good finale I guess.

  2. Ah she is soooo gorgeous it's ridiculous

  3. I'm actually surprised that the collaboration manages to still evoke that much excitement a few years on! It really says something about Kate's overwhelming popularity. Can't imagine being in that crowd though, I just checked online and there's only 3 pieces left for sale! Everything else must be out of stock.

  4. That last shot is fantastic, with the orange light washed over all the people in the background and Kate shining out so casually. I'm glad you put it up, as I don't tend to read celebrityish blogs, but this is a really great photo.


  5. Thank you, Penny Dreadful. That's why I put it up, too. I don't tend to read celebrityish blogs either - and I keep asking PR people to stop sending me photos other people took of celebrities - but in this case Liz had taken the time to write me a personal note to invite me, had told me in advance that Kate had already selected her two photographers, and then offered IF I'D LIKE to send me some shots. I just really respect when people respect my time and my feelings, and feel that kind of thing should be rewarded somehow.

    C, yeah, totally with you: I hate crowds with a passion. AND hate shopping (got that one from my mom, too) so that was so not my idea of a fun night out. Cecylia, yes she does scrub up well doesn't she!

    And Shini, you do seem to be spending a lot of time in IKEA these days. Is it the furnishing, I wonder, or those wonderful meatballs? We've been really into meatballs this week: we had spaghetti & meatballs two nights in a row, and I just bought some organic Swedish ones @ Sainsbury's. YUM.

  6. wouaw! she's so beautiful!

  7. i stay away from celeb-oriented blogs too. in fact i steer clear of tweets or news about celebrities and what they're wearing, what they're doing, who they're doing it with...etc. i'm just not interested- with very few exceptions.
    that said, i adore kate's persona and her wardrobe. (i can't stay i adore kate herself, since i do not know her.) she seems like a fun and intriguing person to know.
    this jumpsuit, though...it's doing her no favors. i'm not a jumpsuit fan, which probably makes me biased, but still...it does not flatter.

  8. There is something pretty frightening in the raptured faces of the crowd and her standing there like a Greek Goodess. As you say - the cult of celebrity... Weird!
