
pringle: more than a potato chip

It's funny, how these things work. Last.. was it Thursday? The Tube strike. It messed with everyone's plans, which meant the friends I planned to visit in Mayfair at the Modus party (shown here) had left before I arrived. While I was transfixed by David Koma (another post, I promise) and the sushi and figs with proscuitto and the condensation on a silver bowl of ice, the thing that surprised me was how much I was loving Pringle, of Scotland.

A few years ago, Mr. Dude and I were walking somewhere and passed a Pringle storefront and he said, you know, they're missing a beat. They could be Burberry but they're not. They could be using that iconic diamond pattern the way Burberry did with the check.

But that night at the Modus party.. granted, what they've got now on net-a-porter doesn't wow me (Shearling aviator jacket? Puh-lease. Too much grey and black) what is coming this spring really surprised me. A black fishnet kilt with silver buckles. Beautiful brocades. White feathery textures, ribbing.. it's new, it's classic, it's pretty.

Pringle. Dark Horse. You'll see. Can't wait.


  1. I've really been noticing Pringle lately. Not just because they're the brand of my homeland but because they are (finally) getting with the programme and doing some real fashion pieces. They're creeping into the fashion mags bit by bit. You're right Jill, dark horse of the season, especially if it's going to be this cold...

  2. jennifer that is so freaky: i just sent you an email while you were writing this. thank you for saying this, i thought it was just me. curious now if anyone else thinks the same thing... i've always been fond of the brand, i want them to have a comeback. xx

  3. I think in the last few years Pringle's designs have become so interesting, and your pictures show the great details of their clothes.
    Sadly I'm not going to Jaeger; but I'm sure I'd recognize you! xo
