
squatters' riots

Just got in from Oxford a little while ago. You know how every once in a while you have a day that is just so unexpectedly perfect that even at the time, it feels like a memory?
I did offer to Shini, Jen, and Kit, that if they paid me I wouldn't publish these, but they couldn't come up with a high enough offer.

I couldn't tell you what they're wearing or where they got it, I was too busy laughing.

More to come: time to sleep. Perchance, to dream.


  1. Hahahahahahahaha I can't help myself laughing at those squatter shots, was close to pull my thigh muscles.

    I had a great time with you guys...what's next? BATH/BRISTOL?

  2. hilarious pics, love them.

  3. Hhahahahahaaaaa goodness me, can't believe you posted these. I would've paid but remember the train ripped me off. BARCELONA BABEH!!

  4. Shini you could never come up with enough money to keep me from posting these. And San, thank you: you should join us on our next train jaunt.

    How long is the train ride to Barcelona, I wonder?

  5. Haha these are brilliant! They totally make me smile because I can see how hard you're all laughing!! Loving it!!

  6. These are funny to look at and make me laugh too but I don't know why I am laughing. You have to let us in on the joke . . . or did you already and I missed it?

  7. How stupendously fun! Oh how I wish you kids were in my neck of the woods

    Bright Green Laces

  8. These are so fun!! lol Looks like you all had a great time :)

  9. I love these - the lack of inhibition. It's wonderful. And that strange otherworldly light somehow gives these images a surreal quality. Such a lovely mood.

  10. I LOVE those shots Jill!
    :-) 3 Girls laughing, so happy,fun,spontaneous, fresh faces ans style! Actually, I am also glady about you, I mean, imagine you laughing and have so much fun with them, specially after the posts you wrote about the Remembrance Sunday I thought you really needed.

  11. hahhaha. these are too funny. i think you need to post the photo i sent of YOU looking at THESE photos right after you took them... the one where you are laughing and looking at your screen. i love that one of you. such a wonderful day... seriously magical. from the weather, to the company, to the very very good news i got in the evening. yum. seriously perfect.

    p.s. you posted photos from yesterday before me! ahhhh! i am slipping! xx

  12. I'm so glad you did post these, they've put a smile on my face, you can just tell that everyone is killing themselves laughing! I'll look forward to seeing the ones of you that Jen mentions...

  13. these made me smile too. thank you jill. these photos are priceless.

  14. Jill, what have you done to me? I keep coming back here and cry with laughters.....so hilarious.

  15. Hilarious! Sad I missed these fun times :-(

    Great shots Jilly Jill.


  16. aside from the awkward poing i really love the green yellow purple mix . icould see myself wearing something like that .

    you guys definitely look like youre having fun

  17. OHMAYGAWD!!!
    very hillarious ROFL.
    cant stop laughing...
    pffff... and speechless now.
