
we are all birds of paradise

Last night I had the most amazing experience: the Kurt Geiger press day. You come into this beautiful old building, climb a winding stair, and enter into a tropical rainforest. On a large screen in the entry, a film of Richard Attenborough with birds of paradise plays as you enter this beautiful, high ceiling ballroom with french doors, and two installations: one is day, with shoes some dangling, some on the floor and then.. night.

It was the most spiritual experience, hearing the soothing sounds of birds in the tropics, gazing up at these beautiful coloured pieces. I spoke with the CEO, who really took the time to talk with each of us - and listen. He described the creative evolution, which started with the YSL quote, and then they discovered that Sir Richard had also said, while filming the birds, the following quote:

And, said the CEO: there was our genesis for the idea.

He is also really into bloggers: he gets it about what we are doing. It felt like everything coming full circle: we have a voice, and the people at Kurt Geiger are listening.

I always am drawn to coincidence: serendipity. That is my way of believing that God is paying attention to little old me. The art of creativity - and especially, creative collaboration - is something that, when it all clicks, it is divine. That's what last night felt like. Watching women arrive and gaze up at each of the beautiful shoes.. I must run now, just a few more press events, but I want to continue this thought because it all made sense last night when I was falling asleep and now, I'm just babbling.

Thank you, my dear friend Charlotte, for inviting me. We were friends before I started blogging, and before she started working with them, which is just part of the whole serendipitousness of life.


  1. I've been invited andd I couldnt come :( Im so sad to see you were there and it was fabulous ...


  2. Oh E I wish you were there! Aren't you in Vegas? : ) xox

  3. Oooh my lord I'm so sad and jealous that i couldn't have experienced this myself! I completely swooned at carries liokbook and pictures. It looked and sounded incredible! It is strange all yhese goings on and choosing who should attend what. its puzzling and completely self created as we chose to b Bloggers, anyway looks like you had a wonderful time and good luck with all you other press goings on! X

  4. Gosh how extraordinary, love the birds and the new shoe species - how to choose?
    Beautifully captured Madame Polka Dot

  5. I love Kurt Geiger and going into their stores is always an amazing experience...I managed to embarrass myself at the Covent Garden store though when I walked into one of the mirrors...DOH!

    Maria xxx

  6. your wisdom comes through in your posts, J.
    this is one incredible display! i love the bird of paradise reference- it really works.

  7. Shame I missed it, really. It's so beautiful, although I wouldn't have expected less from Kurt Geiger, have you seen their window displays? They've got one good spatial/conceptual designer on their team!

  8. What a beautiful decoration! That looks like heaven! xxx

  9. Shoe-topia!!! I want to go there. now. What a gorgeous and fun idea!

  10. So nice to hear of a CEO embracing bloggers- how refreshing. Hope you're well lady? Haven't been around much of late but i'm back in the swing of things and cathcing up on all your posts - how often do you post! love, love xx
