
kit's kaleidoscope world of colour

I feel like I've posted these shots before. Maybe I have. I've sent them to Kit.. and I think Shini posted something similar.. on that's right! Dreams of Oxford. Well that's what it feels like: an amazing, Kaleidoscope coloured dream.

These days I either want to wear winter white, shades and variations of palest nudes and whites from head toe, or else, tons of colour, those deeply tropical rainstorm crazy Carribean colours of purple and blues and forest green and bright yellow and aqua. Like what Kit's wearing here while she pole dances with a lamp post.


  1. Pole dancing hahahahahaha!

  2. 'Yellow is the new navy'
    - Kit Lee, the Style Slicker

  3. i love the colours.. its a gift to be able to combine colours well

  4. What a great series of photos, Kit always looks so fabulous and colourful. And that smile! x

  5. The colors seem to suit her very well, she seems like one who is full of energy and life! :)

  6. This is great, I love the colors in these photos. I also wouldn't mind a second DSLR... :)


  7. Haha. Love that you said Kit was pole dancing with the light post! she is so not a pole dancing sort of girl. totally agree with what you have said though. Kit is the most skillful person at putting together collies. She always looks so vibrant but not in a try hard look at me sort of way. It's totally natural and authentic.love this series. xx

  8. Amazing photos, that skirt is gorgeous!

  9. Kit is such a doll and probably the best worker of colour I know!

    Great shots xx

  10. She's the most colourful dresser I know, and appropriately so! What else would go with her optimistic attitude and that smile :D

    (am I butt-kissing, cuz I love you both and you know it)
