
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

The last time it snowed in London, for some reason, it avoided our part of town (South Kensington). So this weekend, when it really came down, it was a REALLY big deal. Our cat just couldn't believe his eyes. I was singing this song, below. Ever since the Maybelline party last Thursday, when they were playing it, I haven't got it out of my head:

It's just been such a treat, such a great excuse to stay in, make Boeuf Bourguignon (that's just a really luscious slow cooking beef stew) for four hours, finally get the home made Christmas cards out.. in fact Mr. D and I took turns going out to post them, and as I had the gifted pink American Apparel coat that I could not give away, in a bag by the stairs, we realised: it's actually quite practical. I think I'm going to keep it for snow emergencies.

Our cards this year come from a childhood activity my mom taught us: folding and cutting plain white paper (I bought a sketchbook, it's slightly heavier than printer paper but not too thick to cut). Then I strung a bunch up with thread and have it hanging in lieu of a Christmas tree, like a white mobile.

These jade plants - which I've heard are good luck - are all grown from little cuttings that I've smuggled home in my suitcase - wrapped in moist paper towels in a zip lock bag - from one plant that my dad had in the summer house.

But mostly: it was a great chance to stay warm and dry while doing a bit of 'street shooting': like this woman in full length real fur, and a wildly patterned umbrella. Am I not the laziest street style shooter on the planet.


  1. These pictures are beautiful!

  2. What gorgeous photos - they look like Tallinn did when I was there recently, not London! Your poor cat though. Mine (in Scotland) has NOT been enjoying the weather, she didn't go our for days and my mum wondered what on earth was wrong with her...until she realised the cat flap had frozen shut!! xx

  3. it looks epic, i guess i don't see many pictures of london city in the snow. it's mad here but all frozen into a hard white town. nice to get creative with the cards, i've been printing on my wrapping paper with potato stamps

  4. So glad to hear you are staying cozy and enjoying the weather from inside. The snow was so beautiful. Oxford is still covered in it. That shot of Mr Dot in the pink AA coat is hilarious!

    Hope you're staying warm and enjoying your Sunday! The snowflakes (that you cut) look lovely. xx

  5. I was caught in some London snow on London, which was definitey new to me (just don't associate it with snow), but I'm currently in Scotland and it's just insane here (and so freezing cold). There is something magical about snow in the city...

    I gotta say, I love the woman in the full length coat. Always thought real fur was taboo in the UK? I know in Paris and Milan you're uncool if you don't wear it...

  6. You should make Christmas cards out of those snow pictures, they are gorgeous!

  7. Guide to the lazy street style blogger: Stand at your window... Wonderful winter associations, Jill, and at these temperatures fur coats actually start making sense. xo

  8. Sabine: I know! I'm thinking of just doing that from now on. Like some kind of secret perv. I didn't get her permission, either ; )

    Looking fab: I did! (make Christmas cards). I sent them (and am sending more today- we ran out of stamps) folded, in an envelope with little bits of the cut paper like weirdly shaped confetti - and little hand written messages in silver and gold. It's my DIY tip!!

    Haute: I'm assuming it's real. It just seemed it. It is pretty taboo in the UK but this being South Kensington I'm assuming she had it anyway and maybe was saving it for a snowy day. She really was struggling: in the top shot she's trying to get her umbrella open and then she finally does. I think umbrellas are moot anyway: the joy is it landing on your face!

    Jen, Mat, Jen, Blythe & Charlotte: thank you! Jennifer East: our poor cat can't even go outside when it's nice, so to him this was just some really cool CGI.

    Stay warm everyone! I'm braving the cold shortly.


  9. Oh the snow is so pretty! I've never seen London so snowy, and where I lived (Maida Vale) didn't seem to get much snow either (or they just cleaned it up quickly?)

    However, my parents are stuck in London unable to come home because of the airports closing down :(


  10. These are utterly magical photos x

  11. Ahahaha, Mr. Dot in the pink anorak is hilarious! The woman in the fur is so glam- love it!

    Hope you're well my love.


  12. wonderful! in the meanwhile i keep on dreaming of a white xmas here in dubai. enjoy the snow!

  13. Wow! I love snow! Yes, Let it snow, let it snow :-)xxx

  14. I am usually very against fur, but if you have it, it seems justified in that weather!

    I keep hearing about the horrible cold in Europe. Stay warm!

    And thanks for your sweet comment on my blog :)!

  15. Oh I love these snow pics against the red brick buildings! So pretty! Mr. Dot does not look happy in that picture LOL! Great post, love that first pic as well as the last one in the fur the best :)

  16. I didn't know there was a blizzard over the weekend, I was in the cinema in Wimbledon watching Tron and giggling over Daft Punk's appearance in the film. Shame to missed the full blast of the mother nature.

    Those jade plants are money trees, brings wealth and fortune ;P

  17. Hahaaaa that pink coat, PERFECT debut into this blog. Too bad it doesn't snow that much in London so we probably won't see it again huh. Unless of course Kevin might be up for a photoshoot, then we're talking.

    London looks beautiful with all the snow, but beauty is not skin deep, I wish they made clever preparations finally and get the city going. Unless of course they think losing 3 Billion every snow-day is just another joke...
