
my day

Meet TALA SAMMAN, of My Fash Diary. This is the first in a series done with My Wardrobe, called Day into Night.

Back when I was a single girl in NY, being Carrie before there WAS a Carrie - I lived in a small rental apartment in the Upper East side with a fire escape that looked just like these stairs (we used to hang out on it - my friend BK lived two floors below, on the garden level, and we'd climb thru his window).

When I left for wherever I was freelancing that day, I had no idea what I'd need to wear that night (this was before cell phones/text/EVERYTHING) so I'd carry a little black dress - one of a few that I bought from a designer called Isia, at Barney's - in my bag. For convenience sake, I had to do the 'dress it up, dress it down thing' because, let's face it, life is one big adventure and you never know when you're gonna need that little black dress. I literally carried it 'for emergencies'. Along with a swimsuit: even in winter. You never know.

In that vein, with the Christmas party season starting, I have collaborated with My Wardrobe, Natayla and Tala Sammon of My Fash Diary to do a little quick fashion shoot. I want to smash apart the preconception that editorial fashion has to be laboured and involve a whole team of 'experts'. We did everything in the series that will run over the next few days in under two hours. And that included each girl choosing her own clothes, drinking coffee, hanging out, and having a laugh. And freezing our asses off in the process.

First up in our Day into Night series: Tala in her chosen Day Look. She has chosen HELMUT LANG Shearling vest, BY MALENE BIRGER leather leggings, and THEORY dress, all available, as we speak, at MY WARDROBE. Biker boots, YSL cocktail ring and Starbucks, model's own.

View Natayla's story on ITS FASHION WEEK and I'll be posting Tala's night look.. tonight.


  1. She is a beauty. I love the whole outfit. Cute glasses!

    Thank you Jill so much for the sidebar! Everyone seems to like my "new" Loubs ;)

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! I love this idea and I love even more that you are knocking flat the preconceptions that bloggers are divas. She looks gorgeous and has such an incredible style! Can't wait to see her night look. Great photos jill! xx

  3. I love the pictures and the look she chose. I specially love the vest! xxx

  4. These pictures are great. She looks so glamorous, but in a suttle way.

    xo L

  5. Jill, these shots are stunning! Is this in London?? I swear it could be New York, or maybe it's just the way you've evoked it.

    She's beautiful, and you've shot her beautifully

  6. you were such a NYC girl! :)
    Tala is super fabulous-looking. terrific photos, Jill. i like that your reflection shows in her sunglasses- gives depth to the image. anyway, nice work! i'll go look at Tala's blog.

  7. beautiful shots, of course it wouldn't be complete without a starbucks! the setting is brilliant, oh, how i would love to take some shots on those stairs. tala is ever so pretty, cor blimey her teeth are perfect! xx

  8. LOVE this look!! She looks so fresh and young and model-y :)
