

Natayla's night look. Jacket by IRO. All available @ My Wardrobe. More to come.


  1. I'm sure it's been said before, but your eye for photography is remarkable (still doesn't give one a right to steal it mind you ;-) I love the day to night transition. The mix of prints and accessories in this outfit is inspiring and IRO was one of my favorite Parisian high street finds. The cape she's wearing in the day look is gorgeous too. Amazing what a change in outerwear and 'bling' can do!

    P.S. It was lovely to meet you as well. I hope we get a chance to see each other again soon. And if there's ever any kind of London blogger meet-up, do let me know!

  2. The gold belt is stunning, love the caribiner-esque detail. Also, that shade of lipstick is so lovely and girly, without it being overly bright, or far to subtle. Lovely blog too!
    Take a look at mine? :)

  3. She is so beautiful! Love her jacket but the belt is amazing too!

  4. Love the accessories, I love how she can pull off gold without making t tacky!

  5. Love that jacket! I think either of the coat choices (jacket/cape) could work for both night and day anyway, I love super versatile pieces like that. Also love clashing prints!

  6. Thanks guys (i.e. girls). More of the shoot tomorrow - and sourcing. I'm just knackered ; ) x

  7. Natalya looks completely stunning here!! love your project with MyWardrobe :)
    Great work Jill as always <3


  8. very nice blog. i follow you now:)

  9. Such great hair. Perfect fringe. x

  10. Stunning image, and love the warmth of the overall look. Don't know if it's the red nails teamed with the gold accessories... I'm really inspired by this.
    Love your site sooo much

  11. oh and before I forget, you AMAZING woman, thanks sooo much for adding me to your list of blogs. LOOOOOVE you!!!

  12. aw, thanks! all of you. to fashion limbo: yeah i love that she wore red nails that day - and especially, chose really pink shiny lipstick. natayla doesn't normally wear red, and because it feels like everyone's been wearing every colour BUT red on nails, it suddenly feels like a really unusual colour to wear as nail polish.

    anyway - yeah, thank you all. i'm about to do a post of more from that shoot. xx

  13. Incredible blog!!! And OMG this outfit has everything I love about it - a wonderful mix of patterns and textures - I'm dying! xo

  14. Pretty insightful post. Never thought that it was this simple after all. I had spent a good deal of my time looking for someone to explain this subject clearly and you’re the only one that ever did that.
